Anthropology Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Discuss the scope of Anthropology. Briefly discuss its relationship wills other social sciences. Do you think that the development of anthropology was connected with colonial interest ? -— Explain.
2. Discuss why neolithic culture, is often referred as, "Neolithic Revolution." Examine the important features of neolithic period in this context.
3. Define family. Discuss the characteristic features of the joint family. Discuss the recent changes in the joint family.
4. Write briefly on
(a) advantages and limitations of observation
(b) schedule and questionnaire
(c) case-study method. :
5. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Social control,
(b) Cromagnon,
(c) Mesolithic,
(d) Barter and ceremonial exchange,
(e) Witchcraft.
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. What do you understand by sustainable development ?, "In the relationship between development and environment, adjustment is the need, but conflict is generally the outcome." —Examine.
7. What is social stratisfication ? Discuss the different elements of social stratification.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Magic and religion,
(b) Palaeolithic,
(c) Neanderthal man,
(d) Ethno-meclicine,
(e) Factors affecting growth and development,