Economics Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
( Answer any five questions, taking at least two from each Group )
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. What are the main objectives of land reforms in India ? What measures have been adopted to achieve the objectives ? What are the causes of the slow progress of land reforms ? 4+8+8
2. In what ways is population growth an obstacle to economic development in India ? Suggest an appropriate population policy for the country. 10+10
3. Trace the development of the iron and steel industry in India. What are the problems faced by the industry at present ? 12+8
4. Give a brief account of the trade union movement in India. What are the defects of the movement ? How can the movement be strengthened ? 8+6+6
5. What are the causes of the different types of unemployment to be witnessed in India ? What measures would you suggest for reducing unemployment ? 10+10
Answer any two questions.
6. What are the long-term objectives of India's Five-Year Plans ? What are the failures of Indian planning ? 10+10
7. What is the role of foreign capital and aid in the economic development of a country like India ? What has been the impact of such capital and aid on India's economic development ? 10+10
8. What is the rationale of disinvestment of public enterprises in India ? Critically examine the policy of disinvestment as adopted by the Government of India. 10+10