Economics Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any three questions.)
1. The economic history of India under British rule is a history of arrested economic growth -Elucidate this argument in terms of the foreign ruler's imperial policy affecting adversely the industrial and agricultural growth in India. 20
2. Critically examine the policy of free trade imposed on India in the later of the nineteenth centurv. Why was this policv later abondoned ? 12 + 8.
3. Analyse the main features of Railway Construction Policy in India. Explain why the dynamic stemulus generated by it failed to bring about important economic transition in our country. 12 + 8
4. Discuss the factors responsible for growth and stagnation of Indian industries in the post independence period. 12 + 8
5. Account for the unsatisfactory performance of the public sector in India. Do you think that the different measures adopted under the new Economic Policy will be adequate to improve its functioning ? Give reasons for your answer. 10+10
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. Discuss the nature of entrepreneurship involved in the development of modern industries in India during British rule. 20
7. Enumerate the facrors which have brought about significant success in the agricultural sector of Independent India.
What form of agriculture organization - whether small peasant family farm of large capitalist form of wage-employment system may be considered to be the optimal one-taking into consideration the high growth rate of population and the increasing demand for food created by them. 8+12
8. Discuss the causes of India's balance of payment problem on the eve of the initiation of the new economic reform measures in 1991.
Examine the impact of the Government's policy of the recent years on its balance of payment. 10+10