Economics Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions.
1. Discuss the evolution of the Indian Currency from the Silver Standard to the Gold Exchange Standard.
2. Analyse the different phases of railway development in India from 1853 to 1947.
3. Critically examine the empirical finding in a majority of farm studies theat there is an inverse relation between farm size and productivity.
4. Describe analytically the role of trade unions in fostering economic development in India. What are their weaknesses ?
5. Comment on the nature of institutionalization of rural credit in India. Discuss in this connection the role of the NABARD in providing rural credit.
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. How do you justify that an "economic drain" from India had taken place in the second half of the nineteenth century ?
7. What are the main limitations of the licensing policy followed till recently in India ? Do you consider the recent liberalizations introduced in the policy adequate for an economy that is opening up internationally ?
8. Examine the role of economic planning against the backdrop of the liberalization policy currently being followed in India.