Economics Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any ttree questions
1. 'Indian economy, which in the early 19th century had the potential for moving on to the modern stage of economic development, slid back to a state of stagnation in the hundred years of the British rule. In the process it acquired the traits of an underdeveloped economy'. Justify the statements by discussing the state of stagnation of the Indian economy and its different causes in the hundred years of the British rule. 20
2. Discuss the main features of the policy of protection recommended by theFirst Fiscal Commission (1921). Critically point out the effects of protection on the growth and structure of the Indian industries in the interwar period. 12+8
3. Discuss the role of the managing agency system in the development of the Indian industires. How will you justify its abolition ? Discuss in this context the view of patel committee. 12+4+4
4. Discuss the main forms of land reforms in India in the post independence period. Give an assessment of their progress. 15+5
5. Analyse the major structural changes Unit have taken place in India during the plan-period. Comment on these changes. 15+5
Group - B
Answer any two questions
6. Give an account of the growth of the iron and steel industry in India upto 1947. Discuss the role played by this industry in the industrialisation of the Indian economy in the post independence period. 10+10
7. Examine the major factors which have led to the large and increasing fiscal imbalance in the finances of the Central Government. What measures have been adopted by die Government under its new fiscal policy for their control ? 10+10
8. "The new economic policies introduced since July, 1991 imply a major shift in the strategies of economic management as well as in the objectives of development". Explain and critically examine the statement. 12+8