Anthropology Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Discuss why neolithic culture is often referred as "Neolithic Revolution". Examine the important features of neolithic period in this context.
2. What do you understand by jai iani system ? Examine the nature of economic interdependence under this system.
3. What is agrarian class structure ? Discuss the agrarian class structure of an Indian village.
4. Define caste. Discuss the characteristic features of the Indian caste system.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Palaeolithic
(b) Mesolithic
(c) Contribution of tribal culture in Indian' culture and civilization.
(d) Some salient features of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. Discuss the distribution of tribal population in India. Indicate the importance of land and forest in tribal economy.
7. Examine how forest policies have affected the tribals.
8. What do you understand by development ? In the relationship between development and environment, adjustment is the need, but conflict is generally the outcome. Discuss.