Time Allowed - 3 Hours Full Marks : 200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
The figures in the margin indicate marks for each question.
Group -A
Answer any three questions :
1. What is Ethnoarchaeology ? What is the difference between Ethnoarchaeology and ethnographic analogy ? Discuss the Ethnoarchaeological studies in India with special reference to megalithic burials and mortuary practices in India. 5+10+25=40
2. (a) Is ramapithecus a hominin. Who discovered ramapithecus ? What are the characteristic features of ramapithecus ?
(b) Who discover Narmada man ? What are the majore characteristics features of Narmada man ? State briefly about significance of Narmada man in human evolution. (6+2+12)+(2+8+10)=40
3. Define the term demography. Compare the contrast between
(a) demography and population studiers
(b) rates and ratios
(c) fertility and fecundity
(d) mortality and morbidity 4+(9x4)=40
4. (a) Define 'great and little tradition'. Give an account of the Redfield's concept of civilization.
(b) What do you mean by Sanskritization ? What are the characteristics of Sanskritisation ? Discuss the different models of Sanskritization with suitable examples. (5+15)+(4+8+8)=40
5. Write short notes on any two of the following : 20+20=40
(a) Concept of SC and ST
(b) Development of village study in India
(c) Health and Human rights
(d) Social-cultural dimensions of health
Group -A
Answer any two questions.
6. Define Tribes. What is ethnicity ? Write a brief note on Jharkhand movement. 4+6+30=40
7. What is sustainable development ? What are the major cultural factors of sustainable development ? Write a brief note on 'role of anthropology in development'. 5+10+25=40
8. Write short notes on: 20+20=40
(a) Geographical distribution of ABO blood group in Indian tribes
(b) Economic distribution of Indian tribes