Optional Paper
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
Answer any four questions
1. Distinguish between Experimental method and Observational Method in psychological research with their relative merits and demerits. 16
2. Discuss 'Learning' according to Behaviouristic School of Psychology. How it differs from Gestalt School of learning ? 16
3. Describe the stages of thinking. In this connection, write the main facets of problem solving. 16
4. Write the role of communication in social learning. Discuss the verbal and non-verbal aspect of communication. 16
5. Discuss 'Psychodynamic Theories' of personality. 16
6. What is cognition ? Discuss the theory of 'Information Processing' to explain cognition. 16
7. Write the role of 'Persuasion' and 'Compliance' in developing attitude. How 'cognitive dissonance' affect attitude ? 16
Group -B
Answer any two questions
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Artificial Intelligence
(b) Working Memory
(c) Structure of Intellect
(d) Model of Man 9 + 9
9. What is motivation ? Distinguish between Incentive Hypothesis' and 'Humanistic Hypothesis' of motivation. 18
10. Discuss Gardner theory of intelligence. Discuss how it differs from Spear man Two Factor and Thurstone Multifactor Theories. 18