Optional Paper
Time Aliowed -3 Hours Full Marks-200
If the questions attemped are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first, up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be written either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
Answer any three questions
1. Critically evaluate the development of personality as conceptualised by Erikson. Compare his theoritical position with that of sigmund Freud. 30+10
2. What are the clinical features of depression ? Critically discuss the etiological factors of depression in light of research findings. 16+24
3. What is psychotherapy ? Discuss the process of psychoanalysis. How can it help to cure psychological symptoms ? 8+24+8
4. What is stress ? Discuss the effect of stress of psychological functions. What are the strategies of dealing with stress ? 6+14+20
5. Write notes of any two :
(a) Organizations conflict.
(b) Nature-Nurture controversy.
(c) Techniques of sampling in psychological Research.
(d) Obsessive compulsive Disorder. 20+20
Answer any two questions
6. It is a daunting task for a teacher to impart education in rural areas where people lack awareness about its utility. Using the principles of educational psychology, how can a teacher develop a plan for imparting quality education for children below 12 years ? 40
7. With the advancement of Medical Science, Life expectancy has increased, resulting in increase of elderly people in the population. Critically discuss the challenges faced by these people and how can their lives be made more meaningful for themselves as well as the society. 40
8. Write notes on any two :
(a) Influence of Group in our social context.
(b) Utility of Psychological Testing.
(c) Utility of Hypothesis formation in Research.
(d) Prejudice in the current scenario. 20+20