Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks : 200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answer may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language
GROUP - A : Answer any three questions
1. Critically discuss the topographical model of mind along with the structural theory of mind. Why are deferese mechanism important ? Explain with the help of suitable examples. 10+15+5+10
2. Mention the clinical symptoms of GAD. How does it differ from COD ? Critically discuss the etiology of GAD with suitable research evidences. 10+10+20
3. What is meant by psychotherapy ? Discuss the process of psycho analysis with special reference to transference, counter transference and resistance. How does it differ from cognitive-behaviour therapy ? 10+20+10
4. What is meant by 'gerotranscendence ? Discuss the nature of acquisition of wisdom in old age as far as positive ageing is concerned. How can you address the major social problems in old age ? 10+15+15
5. Write short notes on any two :
(a) Biological model of personality,
(b) Properties of normal probability curve,
(c) Job satisfaction,
(d) Application of Maxmin-con principle. 20+20
GROUP-B : Answer any two questions
6. As a psychologist, elucidate the strategies to ensure willbeing, in an organizational set-up and to encourage productivity with the help of suitable theoretical perspectives. Also mention the sources and types of conflicts in organizations. 25+15
7. How is stress diffrent from 'entress' ? Discuss the types, causes and consequences of stress. How can stress be managed ? 5+20+15
8. Write short notes on any two.
(a) Types of sampling techniques.
(b) Medhods of job analysis.
(c) Steps in the construction of standardized psychological tests.
(d) Types of leadership styles. 20+20