Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
Answer any four questions.
1. Critically discuss any one method of psychology. Delineate its importance in studying human behaviour. 16
2. What is perception ? Explain perception from the perspective of different schools of psychology। 16
3. Define learning. Critically discuss the Hullian concept of learning. 16
4. What do you mean by the term personality ? Explain personality from the Freudian Viewpoint. 16
5. Define attitude. Explain in detail about any two scales of attitude. 16
6. What are different stages of memory. Explain the phenomenon of memory with a suitable model in psychology. 16
7. Write short notes (any two):
(a) Mediational theory of concept formation.
(b) Communication aspect of non-verbal behaviour.
(c) Imageless thought.
(d) Prejudice. 8 x 2
Answer any two questions.
8. Explain with diagram Guildford's model for the structure of intellect. How would you explain creativity in the light of this model. 18
9. Elucidate the behaviouristic viewpoint of thinking. Do you accept this theory ? State reasons for your answer. 18
10. Discuss the Need-Hierarchy Theory of motivation. Indicate the utility of this theory in understanding human behaviour. 18