Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
Answer any three questions.
I. What is meant by 'mood disorders' ? Narrate the characteristics of the most common type of mood disorder ? Briefly discuss the biological and psychological factors that may be responsible to cause mood disorder. 4+6+10
2. How is organizational stress defined ? What are its effects ? Suggest some important measures that Indian Organizations should adopt to reduce such stress. 2+6+12
3. Why is feedback so important to communication in Indian Industrial Organizations ? Suggest some guidelines for the effective use of feedback. 6+14
4. Give a comparative account of the classical conditioning and operant conditioning with special reference to points on which they agree and they disagree. 20
5. Write notes on any two :
(a) Individual difference and its assessment;
(b) Social changes and Quality of Life ;
(c) Drug addiction and social problems;
(d) Conflicts in Organization and their management. 10+10
Answer any two questions.
6. Why do the behaviour therapists base their therapeutic procedures mainly on learning principles ? Give a brief account of the major behaviour therapy techniques used in the modern behavioural treatments. 6+14
7. Can you identify the major causes of unemployment in our country ? Discuss with suitable examples the psychological problems encountered by the unemployed individuals and their family members. 8+12
8. Explain the following:
(a) Psychosomatic disorder and its difference from other disorders;
(b) Problems of the aged in contemporary society and some intervention measures. 10+10