Economics Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any three questions.)
1. Define 'economic drain.' How would yon account for it ? Do you think it was responsible for India's, economic backwardness ? 4+8+8
2. How Would you explain the enormous growth of foreign trade in India in the 19th Century ? What was its impact on the Indian economy and its people ? 12+8
3. Why was the Village Community called the backbone of India's economy ? What did the British do to weaken it ? 10+10
4. Why is it that the Tatas came out so successfully with the Iron and Steel Industry ? Was it due to 'economies' available from 'location' alone ? 12+8
5. Do you subscribe to the view that India's poor economic performance and low productivity of agriculture can be ascribed to poor attention paid to land reform both before and after independence ?
Group - B
(Answer any two questions.)
6. Why is it that the Indian economy did not experience continuous growth during plan period ? 20
7. Define Infrustructure. Discuss its role in the economic development of India under globalization. 14+6
8. How would you account for the excessive growth of foreign exchange reserves in India ? What sort of problems such growth may create for the economy ? How would you address them ? 3+6+6