Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number small be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be written either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
Answer any four questions.
1. "Psychology is the science of human behaviour and cognitive processes." -Elucidate the statement. What are the criteria for conducting a true experiment ? 16
2. Explain the two most influential views of memory. Can the two terms, short term memory and working memory be used inter-changeably ? 16
3. Is intelligence a unitary or a multifaceted concept ? Critically discuss the various theories of intelligence to support your answer. 16
4. What are the different components of attitude ? How do attitudes differ from prejudice ? Can attitudes be changed ? 16
5. What are the various social motives present in human beings ? Discuss the theory of motivation that is related to the desire to excel in different spheres of life. Can social motives be measured ? 16
6. Are computers intelligent ? Justify your answer by explaining the concept of artificial intelligence. Highlight the role of computers in modern day psychology. 16
Answer any two questions.
7. Which perspective is known as the 'Third Force' in psychology ? In this connection, elucidate the concept of a 'fully functioning person' as conceived by Carl Rogers. 18
8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 18
(a) Observational learning.
(b) Depth perception.
(c) Stages of creative thinking.
(d) Schedules of reinforcement.
9. Identify the factors that interfere with effective problem solving. Explain the terms Heuristics and Algorithms. 18