WBJEE Biology Question Paper 2012(Eng)

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 13:39

                                                    Subject: Biological Sciences                   

Duration : Two Hours                                                                              Maximum Marks : 100

                                                Q.1 - Q. 60 carry one mark each.

1.  Numerical aperture of microscope lens is expressed by

     (A)  Angular aperture only  

     (B)  Refractive index only 

     (C)  Both angular aperture and refractive index

     (D) Wave length of the light used


2.  Which one of the following is not true for enzymes ?

    (A)  They act on a specific substrate

    (B)  They are made up of fat and sugar

    (C)  They act at a specific temperature

    (D)  They act at a specific pH


3.  Living cells placed in isotonic solution (0.9% saline) retain their size and shape. This is based on the concept of

    (A)  Osmosis          (B)  Diffusion          (C)  Facilitated diffusion        (D)  Transpiration


4.   Identify the polysaccharide with ß-glycosidic bond

     (A)  Starch           (B)  Glycogen        (C)  Sucrose        (D)  Cellulose


5.   Simple storage protein that coagulates upon heating but remains soluble in dilute salt solution is correctly exemplified by

      (A)  Globulin        (B)  Albumin       (C)  Histone       (D)  Collagen


6.   Melting of DNA at an  elevated  temperature  (70°C)  is  primarily  due  to  the breakdown of

     (A)  Phosphodiester bonds

     (B)  Glycosidic bonds

     (C)  Disulfide bonds

     (D)  Hydrogen bonds


7.   N-acetyl muramic acid is found in

     (A)  Cell wall component of plant

     (B)  Cell wall component of Gram positive bacteria

     (C)  Cell wall component of fungi

     (D)  Viral coat material


8.  Identify the bacterium that appears violet after Gram staining

    (A)  Salmonella enterica

    (B)  Escherichia coli

    (C)  Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    (D)  Rhizobium meliloti


9.   The usual source of restriction endonucleases used in gene cloning is from
    (A)  Fungi         (B)  Bacteria        (C)  Plants        (D)  Viruses


10.  Portion of apical meristem that gives rise to xylem tissue is called

      (A)  Protoxylem       (B)  Procambium       (C)  Metaxylem       (D)  Tracheid


11.  For a clean environment, which one of the following is not essential ?

     (A)  Producer       (B)  Consumer        (C)  Decomposer       (D)  Polluter


12.  Inulin is a type of

      (A) Protein      (B) Carbohydrate        (C)  Lipid        (D)  Nucleic acid


13.  Higher animals cannot synthesize few fatty acids which are very essential for their growth and development. These fatty acids are typically

      (A)  Saturated        (B)  Cyclic       (C)  Unsaturated        (D)  Branched


14.  Identify the membrane across which the proton  (H+) gradient facilitates ATP synthesis in a typical eukaryotic cell.

    (A)  Plasma membrane

    (B)  Mitochondrial inner membrane

    (C)  Mitochondrial outer membrane

    (D)  Nuclear membrane


15.  What is the substrate for lipase enzyme ?

     (A)  Protein        (B) Carbohydrate       (C) Lipid        (D) Nucleic acid


16.  In higher plants, continuity of cytoplasm from one cell to its neighbouring cells is established through

     (A)  Apoplast       (B)  Chloroplast      (C)  Leucoplast      (D)  Symplast


17.   In  plant tissue culture,  the callus tissues can  be regenerated into complete plantlets primarily by altering the concentration of

      (A)  Sugars         (B)  Vitamins        (C)  Amino acids       (D)  Hormones


18.  If you want to develop hybrid seeds within a bisexual flower, the following part needs to be removed from the same flower

      (A)  Stigma         (B)  Ovary        (C)  Anther        (D)  Oviduct


19.  Xenogamy is essentially a type of

      (A) Cleistogamy       (B) Allogamy      (C) Autogamy      (D) Homogamy


20.  Basic principle of developing transgenic plants and animals is to introduce the gene of interest into the nucleus of

     (A) Somatic cell       (B) Vegetative cell      (C) Germ cell       (D) Body cell


21.  Who is regarded as the 'Father of Taxonomy' ?

     (A)  John Ray      (B) Carolus Linnaeus      (C) A.P. deCandolle       (D) Charles Darwin


22.  Which pair of the following diseases are caused by two genes located on human X chromosome ?

      (A)  Colour blindness and Phenylketonuria

      (B)  Colour blindness and Haemophilia

      (C)  Colour blindness and Albinism

      (D)  Colour blindness and Hypertrichosis


23.  Which one of the following triplet codon is known as initiation codon ?
     (A) UUU      (B) UAA      (C) AUG       (D) UGA


24.   Muga silk worm feeds on

     (A)  Shorea       (B) Terminalia        (C) Machilus        (D) Morus


25.  Mammals have originated from which of the following

     (A)  Pisces       (B) Amphibia        (C) Reptilia         (D) Aves


26.  Which one of the following animal phyla possesses spicule ?

     (A)  Annelida        (B)  Mollusca        (C)  Porifera       (D)  Platyhelminthes


27.   Fin rot of fish is caused by

     (A)  Aeromonas        (B)  Pseudomonas        (C)  Branchiomyces       (D) Xenopsylla


28.   Which one of the following animal possesses giant chromosome ?

      (A) Drosophila        (B) Mouse        (C) Pigeon        (D) Elephant


29.   The vein which is formed from the capillaries of an organ and terminates into capillaries in some other organ before entering the heart is called

     (A)  Pulmonary vein 

     (B)  Coronary vein

     (C)  Portal vein

     (D)  Systemic vein


30.  Which one of the following genus of insects prefer to breed in clean water and their larvae lie parallel to the surface of water ?

      (A)  Anopheles       (B)  Culex      (C)  Aedes       (D) Phlebotomus


31.  Which one of the following life cycle stages of Wuchereria bancrofti is infective to man ?

      (A)  Microfilaria        (B)  1st stage larva        (C)  2nd stage larva        (D)  3rd stage larva


32.  Which one of the following life cycle stages of malarial parasite is responsible for relapse of malarial symptoms ?

      (A) Merozoite        (B) Sporozoite        (C) Hypnozoite       (D) Gametocyte


33.  The correct sequence of different phases of cell cycle is

     (A)  S - G1 - G2 - M       (B)  G1 - S - G2 - M      (C)  G2 - S - G1 - M       (D)  G1 - G2 - S - M


34.  Which one of the following poultry birds is not an English breed ?

      (A)  Sussex       (B)  Australorp       (C)  Orpington       (D)  Minorca


35.   The important gas which was absent during the formation of earth is

     (A)  Oxygen gas        (B)  Hydrogen gas        (C)  Nitrogen gas       (D)  Carbon dioxide gas


36.   In spermatogenesis, reduction division of chromosome occurs during conversion of

     (A)  Spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes

     (B)  Primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocytes

     (C)  Secondary spermatocytes to spermatids

     (D)  Spermatids to sperms


37.  The carcinoma, a type of cancer, originates from

     (A)  Blood        (B)  Connective tissue       (C)  Epithelial tissue       (D)  Lymph gland


38.  Homo erectus evolved during

     (A)  Oligocene       (C)  Pleistocene       (B)  Pliocene       (D)  Miocene


39.  Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation ?

    (A)  National park

    (B)  Wild life sanctuary

    (C)  Zoological garden

    (D)  Biosphere reserve


40.  Animals are classified into hierarchical groups. In which one of the following, the largest number of species is found ?

     (A) Genus       (B) Order        (C) Family       (D) Cohort


41.  The blood vessel which supply oxygenated blood to cardiac tissue is

     (A)  Coronary artery

     (B)  Coronary vein

     (C)  Coronary sinus

     (D)  Pulmonary vein


42.  Vegus nerve is a

     (A)  Mixed Xth cranial nerve

     (B)  Mixed XIth cranial nerve

     (C)  Mixed Xth thoracic nerve

     (D)  Sensory Xth cranial nerve


43.  The number of spinal nerves in human is

    (A)  10 pairs       (B)  12 pairs      (C)  43 pairs       (D)  31 pairs


44.  Third and fourth ventricles of the brain are connected by

    (A)  Aqueduct of Sylvious

    (B)  Foramen of Monro

    (C)  Foramen of Magnum

    (D)  Corpus Collosum


45.  All or none law is not applicable for

    (A)  Whole skeletal muscle

    (B)  Single skeletal muscle fibre

    (C)  Whole cardiac muscle

    (D)  Single smooth muscle fibre


46.  After forceful inspiration, the amount of air that can be breathed out by maximum forced expiration is equal to

     (A)  Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) + Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) + Tidal Volume (TV) 

              + Residual Volume (RV)

     (B)  IRV + RV + ERV

     (C)  IRV + TV + ERV

     (D) TV + RV + ERV


47.  Amount of oxygen supplied by 100 ml arterial blood while passing through the tissues is

      (A)  0.4-0.6 ml        (B)   4-6 ml        (C)  14-15 ml       (D)  19-20 ml


48.  Cholecystokinin stimulates the secretion of

     (A)  Bile        (B)  Gastric juice       (C)  Pancreatic juice       (D)  Succus entericus


49.  In a normal adult human, the average cardiac output (stroke volume) is

     (A)  47 ml       (B)  70 ml       (C)  5 litre      (D)  3.3 litre


50.  Humoral immunity is mediated by

     (A)  Cytotoxic T-cell       (B) Plasma cell      (C) Eosinophil      (D) Neutrophil


51.  The expanded name of MRI is

    (A)  Medical Research Instrument

    (B)  Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    (C)  Magnetic Research Institute

    (D)  Medical Resonance Imaging


52.  The volume of 'Anatomical Dead Space' air is normally

     (A)  230 ml      (B)  210 ml      (C)  190 ml      (D)  150 ml


53.  Bone is mainly composed of

    (A)  Iron and Phosphorus

    (B)  Sulphur and Calcium

    (C)  Calcium and Phosphorus

    (D)  Calcium and Magnesium


54.  Which one of the following is incorrect for 'Atherosclerosis' ?

    (A)  Constriction of arterial luman reduces the blood flow

    (B)  Loss of dilatation ability of the arterial wall and its rupture

    (C)  Cholesterol deposition at the inner wall of the artery

    (D)  Proliferation of the vascular muscles


55.  Which one of the following statement is incorrect ?

    (A)  Glucagon is secreted by pancreas

    (B)  Androgen is produced by ovary

    (C)  Thyroxine is secreted by thyroid

    (D)  Oxytocin is secreted by pituitary


56.  Juxtaglomerular apparatus is made up of

    (A)  Juxtaglomerular cell, Macula densa and Lacis cell

    (B)  Juxtaglomerular cell, Purkinjee cell and Chief cell

    (C)  Juxta-glomerular cell, Lacis cell and Myoepithelial cell

    (D)  Juxta-glomerular cell, Macula densa and Argentaffin cell


57.  Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation ?

     (A)  Vitamin K       (B)  Vitamin C      (C)  Vitamin A      (D)  Vitamin D


58.  Presence of which of the following hormone in the urine confirms pregnancy ?

     (A) Progesterone       (B) Estrogen     (C) Human chorionic gonadotropin       (D)  Prolactin


59.  Which one of the following is mainly responsible for the second heart sound ?

    (A)  Closure of atrioventricular valves

    (B)  Opening of atrioventricular valves

    (C)  Closure of semilunar valves

    (D)  Thrust of blood on ventricular wall during atrial contraction


60.  Brunner's gland is present in

     (A) Duodenum       (B) Jejunum       (C) Ileum       (D) Rectum



Q. 61 to Q. 80 carry two marks each.

61.  Identify the correct sequence of events in the viral replication process.













     (A)  I → ll → III → IV → V →  VI 

     (B)  II → l → III → IV → V →  VI

    (C)  III → V → l → II → IV →  VI 

    (D)  III → V → I → IV → II → IV


62.  Match the items in column I with those in column II and choose the correct answer.

Column-I Column-II
P.  Blue green algae as biofertilizer i. Ectomycorrhiza
Q. Fungi as biofertilizer ii. ThiobaciUus sp.
R. Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria iii. Anabena sp.
S. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria iv. Clostridium sp.
  v.  Azospirillum sp.

    (A) P-iii,  Q-i,  R-v,  S-ii 

    (B) P-v,  Q-i,  R-ii,  S-iv

    (C) P-v,  Q-iv,  R-i, S-i

    (D) P-iv, Q-ii,  R-iv, S-ii


63.   A man having the genotype EEFfGgHH can produce P number of genetically different sperms, and a woman of genotype IiLLMmNn can generate Q number of genetically different eggs. Determine the values of P and Q.

     (A) P = 4, Q = 4       (B) P = 4, Q = 8       (C) P = 8, Q = 4       (D) P = 8, Q = 8


64.  In an organism, tall phenotype is dominant over recessive dwarf phenotype, and the alleles are designated as T and t, respectively. Upon crossing two different individuals, total 250 offsprings were obtained, out of which 124 displayed tall phenotype and rest were dwarf. Thus, the genotype of the parents were

      (A) TT  x  TT       (B) TT  x  tt       (C) Tt  x  Tt       (D) Tt  x  tt


65.   Identify the incorrect statements from the following.

P.  Cymose inflorescence found in Hibiscus sp.

Q. Hypenthedium is found in Ficus benghalensis

R. Synandrous stamen is found in Calotropis

S. Hesperidium type of fruit is Mango

       (A)  R, S       (B)  P, Q       (C)  Q, R      (D)  P, S


66.  How many ATP molecules will be generated in a plant system during complete oxidation of 40 moles of glucose ?

      (A)  190       (B)  380        (C)  1520       (D) 3040


67.   A - DNA is

    (A)  Left-handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

    (B)  Right-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per turn

    (C)  Right-handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

    (D)  Left-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per turn


68.   Bursa fabricius is an important organ of birds. This organ is associated with

    (A)  Generation of basophil

    (B)  Production of uric acid

    (C)  Metabolism of fatty acids

    (D)  Generation of B-cell


69.  Which one of the following is a population ?

    (A)  A spider and some trapped flies in its web

    (B)  Earthworm that lives in a grassland along with other arthropods

    (C)  All the plants in a forest

    (D)  All the oak trees in a forest


70.  In most simple type of canal system of porifera, water flows through which one of the following ways ?

    (A)  Ostia —► Spongocoel —► Osculum —► Exterior

    (B)  Spongocoel —► Ostia —► Osculum —► Exterior

    (C)  Osculum —► Spongocoel —> Ostia —► Exterior

    (D)  Osculum —► Ostia—► Spongocoel —► Exterior


71.  What would be the percentage of thymine in a double stranded DNA sample which contains 20% cytosine of the total bases ?

     (A)  10%        (B)  20%       (C)  30%       (D)  40%


72.  Which one of the following is a correct match ?

    (A)  Filariasis - Taenia solium

    (B)  Encephalitis - Culex vishnui

    (C)  Malaria - Phlebotomus sp.

    (D)  Kala-azar—Anopheles stephensi


73.  One micrometer is equal to

     (A)  0.0001 mm       (B)  0.001 mm       (C)  0.01 mm       (D)  0.00001 mm


74.  Identify the origin of sympathetic nerve fibres and the location of their ganglia.

     (A) They arise from thoraco-lumber region of spinal cord and form ganglia just beside the vertebral column

     (B) They arise from thoracocervical region of spinal cord and form ganglia just beside the vertebral column

    (C) They arise from cranio-sacral region of spinal cord and form ganglia very close to effector organ

    (D) They arise from thoraco-lumber region of spinal cord and form ganglia very close to effector organ


75.  Among the following characteristics, indicate the correct combination applicable to conditional reflex.

P : Acquired by practice or learning

Q : Non acquired by birth

R : Does not abolish by lack of practice

S : Participation of cerebral cortex

T : Originates spontaneously

     (A)  P, Q, R      (B)  P, Q, S       (C)  P, R, T       (D)  Q, R,T


76.  During synaptic transmission of nerve impulse, neurotransmitter (P) is released from synaptic vesicles by the action of ions (Q). Choose the correct P and Q.

    (A)  P = Acetylcholine, Q = Ca++

    (B)  P = Acetylcholine, Q = Na+

    (C)  P = GABA, Q = Na+

    (D)  P = Cholinesterase, Q = Ca++


77.   Choose the right sequential phenomena among the following during the delivery of O2 from blood to tissue.

P : Absorption of CO2 by the blood

Q : Reaction of absorbed CO2 with H2O to form H2CO3 within RBC and its conversion into H+ and HCO3- ions

R : Reaction of absorbed CO2 with H2O in plasma to form H2CO3 and its conversion into H+ and HCO3- ions

S : Combination of H+ with heme portion of HbO2 to release O2

T : Combination of HCO3- with heme portion of HbO2 to form reduced hemoglobin and release of O2

     (A)  P, Q, T      (B)  P, R, S      (C)  P, Q, S      (D)  P, R, T


78.  Oral contraceptive pill is composed of

    (A)  Estrogen and Progesterone

    (B)  Estrogen and Testosterone

    (C)  Progesterone and Testosterone

    (D)  Estrogen and Growth hormone


79.  Match the items in column I with those in column II and choose the correct answer.

Column 1 Column II
P.  Electroencephalography i. A graphic recording of the electrical activity of heart
Q.  Electrocardiography ii. A graphic recording of the electrical activity of brain
R. Endoscopy


iii. A technique that gives image automatically in multiple planes


iv. To view within the body without cutting through the overlaying tissues

    (A)  P-ii,  Q-i,  R-iv,  S-iii

    (B)  P-iv,  Q-ii, R-iii, S-iv

    (C)  P-i, Q-iii,  R-ii, S-iv

    (D)  P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii


80.  What are ketone bodies ?

    (A)  Acetoacetic acid, Acetone and Beta-hydroxybutyric acid

    (B)  Nicotinic acid, Folic acid and Ascorbic acid

    (C)  Acetone, Beta-hydroxybutyryl CoA, and Acetoacetic acid

    (D)  Acetic acid, Acetone and Beta-hydroxybutyric acid





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