WBJEE Biology Question Paper 2010(Eng)

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WBJEE - 2010 - Biology

1.  First Genetically modified plant commercially released in India is :

(A) Golden rice       (B) Slow ripening tomato       (C) Bt-brinjal       (D) Bt-Cotton


2.   Quiescent centre is found in plants at :

(A) Root tip      (B) Cambium       (C) Shoot tip         (D) Leaf tip


3.   In a DNA molecule distance between two bases is

(A) 2 nm/20Å      (B) 0.2 nm/2Å        (C) 3.4 nm / 34 Å        (D) 0.34 nm/3.4 Å


4.   Exine of pollen grain is made up of

(A) Pectocellulose       (B) Ligno cellulose        (C) Sporopollenin       (D) Pollen Kit


5.   When the cell is fully turgid, its

(A) DPD = OP      (B) DPD = Zero         (C) WP = TP       (D) OP = Zero


6.   Which one is true for ATP ?

(A)  ATP is prosthetic part of an enzyme          (B) ATP is an enzyme

(C)  ATP is organic ions of enzyme                  (D) ATP is a Co-enzyme


7.  Root cells of Wheat has 2n = 42 chromosomes. Which one of the following is the basic chromosomenumber of Wheat ?

(A) 42      (B) 21      (C) 7      (D) 14


8.   Purines possess nitrogen at

(A) 1, 2, 4 and 6 position      (B) 1, 3, 5 and 7 position      (C) 1, 3, 7 and 9 position       (D) 1, 2, 6 and 8 position


9.  Thylakoids occur inside

(A) Mitochondria        (B) Chloroplast        (C) Golgi apparatus        (D) Endoplasmic reticulum


10.   Micropropagation is a technique

(A) for production of true to type plants          (B) for production of haploid plant

(C) for production of Somatic hybrids             (D) for production of Soma clonal plants


11.  Test cross is a cross between

(A) Hybrid × Dominant parent           (B) Hybrid × Recessive parent

(C) Hybrid × Hybrid parent               (D) Two distantly related species


12.  Mitochondria are semi autonomous as they possess

(A) DNA      (B) DNA + RNA       (C) DNA + RNA Ribosomes       (D) Protein


13.  Chitin is a

(A) Polysaccharide        (B) Nitrogenous polysaccharide         (C) Lipo Protein          (D) Protein


14.  Balbiani rings are the sites of

(A) DNA replication     (B) RNA and protein synthesis      (C) Synthesis of lipids     (D) Synthesis of polysaccharides


15.  Which of the cell organelle lacks membrane ?

(A) Mesosome      (B) Mitochondria       (C) Ribosome      (D) Liposome


16.  Interfacicular cambium is a

(A) Primary meristematic tissue        (B) Primordial meristem

(C) Type of Protoderm                    (D) Secondary meristematic tissue


17.   Cotton fibre is basically a type of

(A) Trichome       (B) Scale       (C) Dried seed coat       (D) Non glandular hair


18.   Chloroplast dimorphism is a characteristic feature of

(A) Plants with Calvin cycle       (B) C4-Plants        (C) All plants        (D) Only in algae


19.   In which type of reactions related to plant photosynthesis peroxisomes are involved ?

(A) Glycolate cycle      (B) Calvin cycle       (C) Bacterial photosynthesis       (D) Glyoxylate cycle


20.  The term Alpha diversity refers to

(A) Genetic diversity        (B) Community & ecosystem diversity 

(C) Species diversity        (D) Diversity among the plants


21.  How many variable segments are present in the basic structure of antibody molecules ?

(A) One      (B) Two      (C) Three       (D) Four


22.  Which one is diaminodicarboxylic amino acid ?

(A) Cystine       (B) Lysine      (C) Cysteine       (D) Aspartic Acid


23.  Which one is the cofactor of carbonic anhydrase ?

(A) Fe      (B) Zn       (C) Cu      (D) Mg


24.  Vitamin – D is produced in human body in –

(A) Muscles       (B) Nerves       (C) Skin       (D) Bone-marrow


25.  Bacteriophages kill

(A) Fungi       (B) Parasites       (C) Bacteria       (D) Viruses


26.   What is mitoplast ?

(A) Membraneless mitochondria        (B) Another name of mitochondria

(C) Mitochondria without outer membrane       (D) Mitochondria without inner membrane


27.  Transposons are –

(A) House - keeping genes       (B) Jumping genes       (C) Transporting genes       (D) Stationary genes


28.  Which of the following is not a conjugated protein ?

(A) Peptone      (B) Phosphoprotein       (C) Lipoprotein       (D) Chromoprotein


29.  The outer covering of cartilage is called

(A) Peritonium      (B) Periosteum      (C) Endosteum      (D) Perichondrium


30.  The blood does not clot inside the body because of :

(A) Oxygenation of blood      (B) Movement of blood      (C) Heparin in blood      (D) Absence of fibrinogen in blood


31.  Red cell count is carried out by –

(A) Haemocytometer      (B) Haemoglobinometer     (C) Sphygmomanometer      (D) Electrocardiogram


32.  Rh factor can produce disease

(A) AIDS      (B) Turner’s Syndrome       (C) Erythroblastosis foetalis       (D) Sickle - cell anaemia


33.  Name the hormone that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice

(A) Renin       (B) Enterokinase       (C) Enterogastrone       (D) Gastrin


34.  Bile salts act as activator of which enzyme ?

(A) Pepsinogen       (B) Trypsinogen       (C) Lipase       (D) Pancreatic amylase


35.  Heparin is produced by –

(A) Kidney Cells      (B) Blood Cells      (C) Bone marrow      (D) Liver cell


36.   Which of the following cells produce HCl ?

(A) β-Cell     (B) α-Cell        (C) Oxyntic Cell       (D) Chief Cell


37.  Which ribs show “bucket - handle’ type of movement ?

(A) Rib No. 1 – 2      (B) Rib No. 3 – 5      (C) Rib No. 6 – 10      (D) Rib No. 11 – 12


38.  In which of the following subjects the dead space is highest ?

(A) Old man       (B) Old woman         (C) Young man        (D) Young woman


39.   Which one has the thickest wall ?

(A) Right auricle       (B) Right Ventricle       (C) Left auricle       (D) Left ventricle


40.  The cardiac cycle in normal subject is about

(A) 0.5 second        (B) 0.8 second        (C) 1.0 second       (D) 1.2 second


41.   What is glycosuria ?

(A) Low amount of sugar in urine                         (B) Low amount of fat in urine

(C) Average amount of carbohydrate in urine      (D) High amount of sugar in urine


42.  Volume of urine is regulated by –

(A) Aldosterone       (B) Aldosterone and testosterone       (C) ADH       (D) Aldosterone and ADH


43.  Skin is an acessory organ or respiration in –

(A) Human       (B) Frogs       (C) Rabbit       (D) Lizard


44.  Name the condition when the concentration of Ketone body increases in urine

(A) Acromegaly       (B) Diabetes mellitus        (C) Diabetes insipidus       (D) Cushing’s disease


45.  Hormone responsible for the secretion of milk after parturition

(A) ICSH       (B) Prolactin       (C) ACTH      (D) LH


46.  Endemic goitre is a state of

(A) Increased thyroid function        (B) Normal thyroid function

(C) Decreased thyroid function       (D) Moderate thyroid function


47.  Islets of Langerhans are found in

(A) Anterior Pituitary        (B) Kidney Cortex       (C) Spleen       (D) Endocrine pancreas


48.  Which of the following is the function of Adrenaline ?

(A) Helps in gastric juice secretion         (B) Increases heart rate and blood pressure

(C) Increases blood calcium                    (D) Helps in milk secretion


49.  Which of the following is not related to the autonomic nervous system ?

(A) Peristalsis      (B) Digestion        (C) Excretion        (D) Memory and learning


50.  Comprehension of spoken and written words take place in the region of

(A) Association Area       (B) Motor Area       (C) Wernicke’s Area       (D) Broca’s Area


51.  Which one of the following cranial nerves is carrying the nerve fibres originating from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus ?

(A) Oculomotor        (B) Trochlear       (C) Abducens       (D) Vagus


52.  How many laminae are present in the grey matter of spinal cord ?

(A) Four         (B) Six        (C) Eight       (D) Ten


53.  Colour blindness is due to defect in

(A) Cones       (B) Rods       (C) Rods and cones       (D) Rhodopsin


54.  MRI is not allowed in the following conditions except one. Identify the exception.

(A) Presence of pacemaker in the body         (B) Pregnant women

(C) Person suffering from stroke          (D) Presence of metallic plate in the body for treatment of broken bones


55.  Which of the following diseases is related to cadmium pollution ?

(A) Minamata       (B) Pneumoconiosis        (C) Anaemia        (D) Itai-itai


56.  Percentage composition of Fibroin and Sericin in silk is

(A) 50 : 40         (B) 80 : 20         (C) 30 : 70         (D) 40 : 60


57.  Which one of the following is used as biological insecticide ?

(A) Tiger beetle       (B) Caterpillar       (C) Silkmoth        (D) Mazra Poka


58.  Which one of the following diseases is spread by Housefly ?

(A) Dengue fever        (B) Encephalitis       (C) Filariasis       (D) Typhoid


59.   Water-Vascular’ system is found in

(A) Sea-anemone          (B) Sea-pen        (C) Sea-cucumber        (D) Sea-horse


60.  Nutrient enrichment of a lake will cause

(A) Eutrophication         (B) Stratification        (C) Biomagnification        (D) Bioaccumulation


61.  Lichens are decribed as indicator of

(A) Air pollution        (B) Water pollution        (C) Soil pollution        (D) Agriculture productivity


62.  Most abundant mineral of animal body is

(A) Iron       (B) Sodium       (C) Potassium       (D) Calcium


63.  Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in

(A) Hemichordata        (B) Cephalochordata        (C) Urochordata         (D) Vertebrata


64.  ‘Organ of Jacobson’ helps in

(A) Touch        (B) Vision         (C) Smell         (D) Hear


65.  Cysticercus stage is formed in

(A) Taenia        (B) Plasmodium        (C) Leishmania       (D) Wuchereria


66.  Which one of the following viruses contains both DNA and RNA ?

(A) Cyanophage        (B) Herpes Virus       (C) Leuko Virus       (D) Polio Virus


67.  The hormone responsible for “Fight and Flight” response is

(A) Adrenalin       (B) Thyroxine        (C) ADH       (D) Oxytocin


68.  Tuberculosis is caused by :

(A) Mycobacterium sp.      (B) Aspergillus sp.      (C) Clostridium sp.        (D) Vibrio sp.


69.  Which of the following is a catadromous fish ?

(A) Hilsa sp.       (B) Mystus sp.       (C) Anguilla sp.       (D) Channa sp.


70.  Which animal of the following belongs to class crustacea ?

(A) Cockroach       (B) Cyclops        (C) Grasshopper         (D) Mosquito


71.  Radula is found in :

(A) Pila sp.       (B) Chiton sp.      (C) Lamellidens sp.     (D) Pinctada sp.


72.  The scientific name of Java man is

(A) Homo habilis     (B) Homosapiens neandarthalensis     (C) Homo erectus erectus      (D) Australopithecus boisei


73.  Which phase comes in between the G 1 and G 2 phases of cell cycle ?

(A) M-phase         (B) Go-phase        (C) S-phase       (D) Interphase


74.  How many effective codons are there for the synthesis of twenty amino acids ?

(A) 64       (B) 32        (C) 60       (D) 61


75.  Which of the following condition is called monosomic ?

(A) 2n + 1        (B) 2n + 2        (C) n + 1        (D) 2n – 1


76.  Chromosome is made up of

(A) DNA + pectin       (B) RNA + DNA       (C) DNA + Histone       (D) Only histone


77.  Cell division can not be stopped in which phase of the cell cycle ?

(A) G 1-phase      (B) G 2-phase      (C) S-phase      (D) Prophase


78.  Which of the following is structural subunit of DNA ?

(A) Protein        (B) Carbohydrate        (C) RNA       (D) Nucleotides


79.  Cell theory is not applicable for

(A) Bacteria       (B) Fungus       (C) Algae      (D) Virus


80.  The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in human is

(A) 120 mm Hg        (B) 80 mm Hg       (C) 40 mm Hg       (D) 200 mm Hg




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