Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks .100
All questions carry equal marks.
4 marks for neatness.
Answer any five questions.
1. What is Dharma ? What are the differences between Dharma and Religion ? Discuss Kautilya's views on Dharma.
2. Discuss Kautilya's views on the Saptanga Theory of the State.
3. Do you think that through his concept of 'justice' Plato desired to establish social harmony in Greek City States ? Justify your answer.
4. In what sense Aristotle can be recognised as the founder of Political Science ? Discuss it, with special reference to the methodology used by Aristotle and point out the differences between plato and Aristotle in this respect.
5. Analyse the political implications of the Reformation movement.
6. Critically examine Bodin's concept of Sovereignty. Show how it laid the theoretical foundation of the nation state.
7. In what sense Locke is regarded as the theorist of Glorious Revolution ?
8. Discuss Marxist view of freedom.
9. Write a note on the nature of Democracy. What are the different forms of Democracy ?
10. Discuss, in brief, the concepts of political power and political authority.