Optional Paper
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks -200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answsers may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer any three questions
1. Bring out the interrelationships between structure and relief of the peninsular India with appropriate examples. 40
2. Examine the nature of dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in context to sharing of the water of the river 'Kaveri'. Comment on the conflict resolution of such disputes. 40
3. Discuss the problems and prospects of trade development with ASEAN countries. Mention the geopolitical significance of balance of trade in South and South East Asia. 40
4. Analyse the economic and spatial impact of Green Revolution in India. 40
5. Assess the relationship between population and resource. Explain its impact on socio-ecohomic development. 40
Answer any two questions
6. Give an account of the climatic variability of West Bengal. Mention the characteristics of the argo-climatic regions of West Bengal. 40
7. Enumerate the pattern of biotic resource utilisation in West Bengal. State commercial viability of aqua culture. 40
8. Critically analyse the multiple problems associated with Asansol Durgapur industrial region. Suggest measures for future development. 40
9. Account for the growth of population in West Bengal since 1947. What are the differences between agricultural and physiological density ? 40
10. What are the major population problems of West Bengal ? State the role of National population Policy in population planning of the slate. 40