W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2009
(Optional Papers)
Geography Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Give an account of the climatic characteristics of Asia. Explain the role of Tibetan Plateau in determining the climate of South Asia.
2. Analyse the regional disparity of China highlighting the geographical causes of such economic disparity.
3. Discuss China's population policy. Explain how population policy influenced China's economic development.
4. Account for the geographical distribution of Indian Plateau bringing out its distinctive characteristics.
5. Divide Pakistan into major physical regions and their salient features.
6. Critically analyse the nature of climatic hazards of Bangladesh. State the specific measures taken by the Government to mitigate such hazards. 18x3
Answer any two questions.
7. Give an account of the physical pattern of Europe.
8. Divide Great Britain into major agricultural regions and discuss the importance of any one of them in the economy of the country.
9. Discuss in detail the industrial economy of France and mention the significance of E. U. in French national economy.
10. Explain the economic importance of Ruhr Industrial region.
11. Give an account oithe mineral resources of Russia. 15x2
Answer any one question.
12. Discuss the agricultural characteristics of corn belt of the U.S.A.
13. Account for the loeational factors for the concentration of petrochemical industries of the U.S.A.
14. Critically analyse the significance of Praire Provinces of Canada in the economy of the country. 16x1