Optional Paper
Time Allowed - 3 Hours Full Marks-100
(Answer any three questions)
1. Discuss the various landforms produced on the igneous rocks. Critically examine the Plate tectonic theory of mountain building. 8 + 12
2. What is 'Insolation' ? Explain the horizontal distribution of temperature on the surface of the earth. What is 'Heat Budget ?' 4 + 12 + 4
3. Discuss the concept of 'biosphere' mentioning its different components. Explain the characteristics of Tropical Rain-forest biome with special reference to bio-diversity. 10+10
4. What is normal cycle of erosion ? Discuss with diagrams different stages of arid cycle of erosion. What is meant by bse level of erosion ? 4 + 1 + 4
5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Origin of Indian Monsoon,
(b) Inversion of temperature,
(c) Thorhwaite's classification of climate. 10 x 2
(Answer any two questions)
6. Give an account of the petroleum resources of India mentioning the location of petroleum refineries in India. 20
7. What are the reasons for the low sex rtion in India ? Give a comparative account of the theories of population growth of Malthus and Marx. 6+14
8. What are the bases of reorganization of India States ? Explain the impact of formation of small states on socio-politics of the country. Discuss the nature of interstate disputes on sharing of water in India with reference to Cauvery Besin. 5+5+10
9. Write short notes of any two of the following:
(a) Salient features of plantation agriculture,
(b) Contribution of Ritter in Gerography.
(c) Factors responsible for the development of petrochemical centres in the Gujrat-Mumbai region. 10 x 2