☼ Economy during the Later Vedic Period•
• Agriculture began to replacle rearing of cattle.
• The plough was at times drawn by 24 oxen. Uses of manure was known.
• Rice, barley, beans, sesame and wheat were cultivated.
• Production of goods advanced as indicated by new occupations like fisherman, washerman, dyers, door-keepers and footmen.
• Indicating specialisation distinction was drawn between the chariot-maker and the carpenter and the tanner and the hide-dresser.
• Considerable advance was made in the knowledge of metals. Mention of tin, silver and iron was made apart from gold and ayas (either copper or iron) in the Rig Veda.
• Evidence was there regarding organsiation of merchants into guilds because of reference to corporations (Ganas) and aldermen (Sreshtins)•
• PGW (Painted Grey Ware) Culture : 1100 BC - 600 BC.