Original Home of the Aryan

Submitted by administrator on Sat, 03/23/2013 - 12:58

☼ Original Home of the Aryan

• The location of the original home of the Aryans still remains a controversial point.

• Some historians believe that the Aryans were native to the soil of India and some other historians believe that the Aryans were migrated from outside .

• MaxMuller opined that the Aryans were migrated from Central Asia

• B. G. Tilak opined that the Aryans were migrated from Europe or Arctic region .

• According to popular belief, the Aryans are supposed to have migrated from Central Asia into the Indian subcontinent in several stages or waves during 2000 BC - 1500 BC.

• Boghazkai Inscription (Asia Minor, Turkey), which mentions four vedic gods Indra, Varuna, Mitra and Nasatyas proves Central Asian Theory as their homeland.

• The first group of Aryans came to India and settled in the present Frontier Province and the Punjab, then called Sapta Sindhu which means the region of seven rivers.

• They lived here for many centuries and gradually spreaded into the interior to settle in the valleys of the Ganges and the Yamuna.



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