☼ Polity during Later Vedic Period:
• Large kingdoms and stately cities made their appearance in the later vedic Peroid.
• In Taittariya Brahmana we notice the theory of the divine origin of kingship.
• The governmental machinery became more elaborate than before, as a sequel to the growth of the power of the king. New civil functionaries, besides the only civil functionary of the Rigvedic period the purohita came into existence.
These were: the Bhagadudha (Collector of taxes), the Suta / Sarathi (the Royal herald or Charioteer), the Khasttri (Chamberlain), the Akshavapa (Courier).• The military officials of the Rigvedic times, the Senani (the general) and the Gramani (the head of the vilalge) continued to function.
• The period also saw the beginning of a regular system of provincial government. Thus, we find Sthapati being entrusted with the duty of administering outlying areas ocupied by the aboriginals and Satapati being put over a group a group of one hundred villages.
• Adhikritawas the village official Ugras, mentioned in the Upanishada, was probably a police official.
• The popular control over the affairs of the kingdom was exercised through Sabha and Samiti, as in the Rigvedic period. Vidatha had completely disappeared by now.
• Even during the later vedic times, kings did not possess a standing army.• Judiciary also grew. The king played a great role in administering criminal law. The killing of an embryo, homicide, the murder of a Brahmana, in particular, stealing of gold and drinking sura were regarded asserious crimes. Treason was a capital offence.
☼ 12 Ratninas (Satapatha Brahamana)
1. Purohita — the Priest
2. Mahishi — the Queen
3. Yuvaraja — Crown prince
4. Suta/Sarathi — the Royal herald/the Charioteer
5. Senani — the General
6. Gramani — Head of the village
7. Kshata — Gateman /Chamberlain
8. Sangrahitri — Treasurer
9. Bhagadudha — Collector of taxes
10. Akshavapa — Courier
11. Palagala — Friend of King
12. Govikarta — Head of forest department