☼ Literature of Vedic Tradition (600 BC - 600 AD).
Literature of Vedic Tradition comprises of six literary works : (1) Vedangas/Sutras, (2) Smritis Dharmashastras, (3) Mahakavyas, (4) Puranas, (5) Upvedas, (6) Shad-Dharshanas.
◘ (1) Vedangas/Sutras:- There are six Vedangas :
(i) Shiksha : 'Pratishakhya' is the oldest text on phonetics.
(ii) Kalpa Sutras: (a) Shrauta Sutras/Shulva Sutras deal with the sacrifices, (b) Grihya Sutras deal with family ceremonies, (c) Dharma Sutras deal with Varnas, Ashramas etc.
(iii) Vyakarana: 'Ashtadyayi' is the oldest grammar of the word. 'Ashtadyayi' was written by Panini.
(iv) Nirukta : 'Nirukta' (Yask) based on 'Nighantu' (Kashyap) is a collection of difficult vedic words . 'Nighantu' is the oldest word-collection of the world. 'Nirukta' is the oldest dictionary of the world.
(v) Chhanda : 'Chhandasutras' is a famous text.
(vi) Jyotisha : 'Vedanga Jyotisha' is the oldest Jyotisha text written by Lagadh Muni .
◘ (2) Smritis Dharmashastras:- There are six famous Smritis :
(i) Manu Smriti is the oldest Smriti text written during pre-Gupta Period. Commentators were Vishwarupa, Meghatithi, Gobindraj, Kulluk Bhatt.
(ii) Yajnvalkya Smriti was written during pre-Gupta Period. Commentators were Vishwarupa, Vijnyaneshwar, Apararka (a king of Shilahar Dynasty)
(iii) Narad Smriti was written during Gupta period,
(iv) Parashara Smriti was written during Gupta period,
(v) Brihaspati Smriti was written during Gupta period,
(vi) Katyayana Smriti was written during Gupta period.
◘ (3) Mahakavyas (Epics):- There are mainly two Mahakavyas :
(i) The Ramayana was written by Valmiki. It is known as 'Adi Kavya' , The Ramayana is the oldest epic of the world. At present, it consists of 24,000 shlokas i.e. verses (Originally 6,000, Later - 12,000, Finally - 24,000) in 7 Kandas i.e. sections. 1st and 7th Kandas were the latest additions to the Ramayana.
(ii) The Mahabharata was witten by Ved Vyasa . The Mahabharata is the longest epic of the world. At present, it consists of 1,00,000 shlokas i.e. verses (Originally-8,800 Jay Samhita, Later 24,000 Chaturvinshati Sahastri Samhita / Bharata, Finally-l,00,000 Shatasahastri Samhita / Maha Bharata) in 18 Parvans i.e. chapters, plus the Harivamsa supplement. Bhagavad Gita is extracted from Bihshma Parvan of Mahabharata. Shanti Parvan is the largest parvan (chapter) of the Mahabarata.
◘ (4) Puranas:- The Purana means 'the old'. There are 18 famous 'Puranas'. The Matsya Purana is the oldest Puranic text. The other important Puranas are the Bhagavata, The Vishnu, The Vayu and The Brahamnda. They describe genealogies of various royal dynasties.
◘ (5) Upvedas:- The Upavedas (the auxiliary vedas) were traditionally associated with vedas: Four Upavedas are (i) Ayurveda, (ii) Gandharvaveda, (iii) Dhanurveda, (iv) Shilpveda.
(i) Ayurveda deal with Medicine and associated with Rig Veda
(ii) Gandharvaveda deal with Music and associated with Sama Veda
(iii) Dhanurveda deal with Archery and associated with Yajur Veda
(iv) Shilpveda deal with the science of Atharva Veda craft/wealth (Vishwakarma) and associated with Arthaveda
◘ (6) Shad-Dharshanas:-There are six schools of Indian philosophy known as Shad-Darshanas .i.e. (i) Sankhya Darshana, (ii) Yoga Darshana, (iii) Nyaya Darshana, (iv) Vaishesika Darshana, (v) Mimansa/Purva Mimansa, (vi) Vedant/Uttara Mimansa.
(i) Sankhya Darshana : Kapila is the founder of Sankhya Darshana . Basic Text of Sankhya Darshana is Sankhya Sutra.
(ii) Yoga Darshana : Patanjali is the founder of Yoga Darshana. Basic Text of Yoga Darshana is Yoga Sutra .
(iii) Nyaya Darshana: Akshapada Gautama is the founder of Nyaya Darshana. Basic Text of Nyaya Darshana is Nayaya Sutra .
(iv) Vaishesika Darshana : Uluka Kanada is the founder of Vaishesika Darshana. Basic Text of Vaishesika Darshana is Vaishesika Sutra .
(v) Mimansa/Purva Mimansa : Jaimmi is the founder of Mimansa/Purva Mimansa. Basic Text of Mimansa/Purva Mimansa is Purva Mimansa Sutra .
(vi) Vedant/Uttara Mimansa : Badarayana is the founder of Vedant/Uttara Mimansa. Basic Text of Vedant/Uttara Mimansa is Brahma Sutra / Vedant Sutra.