Anthropology Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Give a brief account of physical characteristics of the orimates, Justify the inclusion of Man in that group.
2. Give an accotint of the normal chromosomal constrintics in Man. Bring out the consequences of nondisjunctional games of parents involving sex chromosomes on their offspring.
3. Bring out the difference between race and racism. Give a brief account of the factors responsible for race formation in man.
4. Define family. Describe its major functions and bring out the role of family organisation in the contemporary society.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following.
i) Australopitheinae
ii) Autosomal dominant inheritance in man
iii) Polygamy and Polyandry
iv) Primitive Economy
v) ABO blood group as racial criteria.
Group B
Answer any two questions
6. Bring out tne characteristics features and tool types of the Mesolithic period.
7. What are the different methods used in Anthropology ? Give a critical appraisal of field method in Anthropological study.
8. Write short noies on any two of the following :-
i) Developmental Anthropology
ii) Caveart
iii) Megalithic monuments