EXAMINATION (Main) - 2001
(Optional Papers)
History Paper I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Examine the socio-economic condition of the 'Aryans' in the early Vedic Age. Do you notice any change in the later Vedic period ?
2. Do you think that the Mauryas established a centralized administrative system ?
3. Was. Samudragupata Raj Chakraborty in true sense of the term ?
4. Analyze the economic measures of Firuz Tughluq. Would you regard him as Akbar of his age ?
5. Discuss the impact of Aurangzeb's Deccan policy on the Mughal Empire.
6. Why did the East India Company introduce the Permanent Settlement in 1793 ?
7. How did Extremism in Indian politics originate and grow ? Would you interpret this movement in terms of social and class discontent ?
Group - B
Answer any two questions
8. Review critically the Art activities of the Oallavas of Kanchi.
9. Was the Delhi Sultanate a theocracy ?
10. Was the Revolt of 1857 national upsurge ? Discuss the different interpretation in this connection.
11. Was the Partition of India in 1947 inevitable ?