EXAMINATION (Main) - 2003
(Optional Papers)
History Paper I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. How would you account, from available sauce materials, the influence of Mesopotamian civilization on the Indus Valley or Harappan culture ?
2. Judging by its form and functioning would you ascribe the Delhi Sultanate a theocratic state ?
3. To what extent was Akbar's Rajput policy dictated by political expediency ?
4. Write a note on the reforms of Lord William Bentinck. Did these reforms have any imprint of utilitarianism ?
5. Was the partition of India in 1947 inevitable ?
Answer any two questions.
6. The traditional thinking of Gupta period as a golden age on Indian history has been discarded by a good number of scholars of the last century. Do you subscribe to their views or those of the traditionalists ? Give reasons for your answer.
7. How would you characterize Sher Shah - as an innovator or a reformer ?
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