EXAMINATION (Main) - 2008
(Optional Papers)
History Paper I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. How far is it proper to consider Buddhism as a protestant movement ?
2. Try to give an impartial judgment on the achievements of Sasanka.
3. Assess the historical significance of the Bhakti movement.
4. Was there any ideology behind Sivaji’s attempt to build up a regional kingdom ?
5. Analyse the impact of the colonial rule behind de-industrialisation of Indian economy.
6. How far is it appropriate to regard Vidyasagar as a traditional moderniser ?
Answer any two questions.
7. Analyse the value of archaeological sources for ancient Indian history — merits and limitation.
8. Would you consider Samudragupta to be the greatest among the Gupta emperors ? Give reasons for your answer.
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