Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks : 200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answer may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language
Answer any five questions
1. Define Psycholophysics. Evaluate Weber-Fechner-Fechner Law to discuss threshold. 8+18
2. Elaborate different types of memory. What do you mean by 'memory trace' ? 8+18
3. Critically evaluate James-Lang and Cannon-Bard theory of emotion. 26
4. What do you mean by creative thinking ? Discuss the nature and stages of creative thinking. 8+18
5. Differentiate between Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination with suitable examples. 26
6. Critically discuss with suitable example the nature of perception of - Depth - Movement - space 8+8+10
7. Evaluate Maslow's theory of motivation. 26
Answer any two questions
8. What is the modern concept of learning ? Compare the role of insight learning and programme learning in educational planning eighth grade school students. 35
9. "Moral and Social development are actually the depth aspect and surface aspect of personality development" Discuss. 35
10. What do you mean by mentally challenged person ? Write the types of disability according to PWD act. Discuss some techniques of intervention to manage challenged behavior of person with moderate intellectual disability. 8+7+20