Optional Paper
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Answer any three questions.
1. Briefly discuss the scope and development of anthropology. What are the main branches of Anthropology ? Discuss their scope.
2. Discuss the salient features of Neolithic period. Examine why it is referre as "Neolithic Revolution".
3. Discuss the important features of the Indus Valley civilization. Discuss some of the important urban features of this civilization.
4. Write briefly on racial classification of human groups .
5. Write briefly on (a) Neanderthal (b) Cromagnon.
Answer any two questions.
6. What do you understand by sustainable development ? Discuss the consequences if the development is not sustainable.
7. Write briefly on : (a) Social stratification, (b) Magic and religion.
8. Write short notes on any two of following :
(a) Marriage
(b) Mesolithic
(c) Advantage and limitations of questionnaire
(d) AdVantate and limitations of participant observation
(e) Witchcraft.