Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the presribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be written in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
All questions carry equal marks
(Four marks for neatness)
Answer any six questions
1. Whom do you call a psychopath ? Discuss on the aetiological factors of psychopathic personality.
2. What are the major types of therapeutic approaches ? Discuss on the main principles and methods of group therapy. Indicate the utility of group therapy for management of drug addicts.
3. What are the major sources of organizational conflict in Indian situation ? How this conflict can be defused ? Suggest measures to prevevnt conflict in an organization ?
4. Explain the psychological background of group formation. "A group is formed for meeting the needs and drives of individuals". -Explain. Discuss why an individual simultaneously becomes a member of several small groups.
5. Discuss on the nature and conditions of social change. What are the barriers to social changes for development of women status in a society ?
6. Compare and contrast the approaches of learning by 'classical conditioning' with 'operant conditioning'. State with illustration the applications of these two types of conditioning in the classroom situation.
7. Indicate the major types of disadvantage group. Discuss the methods abopted for management of physically handicapped person.
8. Discuss the role of communication in increasing origanizational effectiveness. Prepare an outline plan to remove the barriers in the communication process for-effective management and information system.
9. Discuss on some common psycho-social features of old people. Suggest some measures to reduce and prevent the psycho-social problems of old people in our country.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following.
(a) Individual differences
(b) Psychology and Economic development
(c) Transfer of training
(d) Thought disorder.