Time Allowed - 3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions.
1. Write an essay on psychopathology of Manic-Depressive psychosis. 20
2. Write in detail the influence of Psychology on life theoretical and practical aspects of education. 20
3. What are the major applications of Psychological phenomena on Consumer Research ? - Describe in detail. 20
4. What are the distinguished characteristics of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ? How principles of learning can be applied to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ? 10+10
5. Differentiate between
(a) Disadvantaged group and Disabled group
(b) Primary group and Secondary group
(c) Maturation and Learning
(d) Introvert and Extrovert. 5 x 4
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. Briefly sketch some typical 'old-age-syndrom' in Indian context. Narrate the psychosocial problems of family and work-place supposed to be affected by old age syndrome. 10+10
7. Describe the encoding and decoding process of information. How does it affect communication system ? 10+10
8. Write what you know about:
(a) Bandura's theory of learning
(b) Symptoms of schizophrenia. 10+10