W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2001
(Optional Papers)
Botany Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored. Answer may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Write brief notes on any four of the following :
(a) Endospore of bacteria
(b) Auxospore
(c) Ascocarp
(d) Sporophyle of Funaria
(c) Strobilus of Selaginella
(f) Legenosloma 5 x 4
2. (a) Draw and describe the steps of lytic cycle of a bacteriophage. What is lysogeny ? 8+2
(b) Give an account of the symptoms and control measures of the disease "Brown spot of Rice". 5+5
3. Comment on the following : (any four)
(a) Economic uses of cyanophyceae
(b) Anatoxin
(c) Sphacelial stage of Ciaviceps
(d) Characteristic features'of Hepaticopsida Anatomy of stem of Equisetum Coralloid root of Cycas.
4. Distinguish between any four four of the following : 5 x 4
(a) Sporophyle of Riccia and Marchantia
(b) Eusporangium aiu! leptosporangiuin
(c) Wood of Cvca.s and Piiuis
(d) Ovule and coal ball
(e) Coal and coal ball
(f) Stem anatomy of lycopodium clavatum and L. cemum. 5 x 4
5. Characterise Peridophyta. Discuss about the recent concept of origin of peridophyta.
Answer any two questions.
6. Distinguish between any five pairs suitable examples :
(a) Androphoie and Gynophore
(b) Achene and follicle
(c) Diplostemony and obdiplostemony
(d) Synandrous and Syngenesius stamen
(e) Verticillaster and Cyathium inflorescence
(f) Ancmophily and zoophily
(g) Marginal and parietal plaecniation 4 x 5
7. (a) Characterise Leguminosae (Not the sub families). Draw the floral diagram and point out the significant differences in die flowers of Papilionaceae and Caesalpiniaceae. Give the scientific names of three economic plants taking or from each subfamilies yielding different products of commercial value.
(b) Write a brief note on herbarium and its importance name India's biggest herbarium.
8. (a) Characterise solanaceae and mention about the vegetale yielding plants of tlie family.
(b) Characterise Ateraceae (compositae) and state why the family is regarded as highly advanced.