W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2007
(Optional Papers)
Botany Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Write brief notes on any four of the following : 5x4
(a) The bacterial growth curve;
(b) Structural Organization of Heterocysts and their function;
(c) Parasexual cycle in fungi;
(d) Transmission of viruses;
(e) Ecological significance of Sphagnum;
(f) Concept of progymnosperms.
2. Comment on any four of the following : 5x4
(a) Mcdonald-Pfitzer law;
(b) Nomenclature of plant fossils;
(c) Significance of fermentation ;
(d) Annual recurrence of Puccinia graminis;
(e) Morphological nature of collar of Ginkgo;
(f) Elementary processes of Telome concept.
3. Explain any four of the following: 5x4
(a) Modes of vegetative reproduction in Hepaticopsida;
(b) Mycotoxins;
(c) Non-fern features of Ophioglossum;
(d) Polyembryony in Pinaceae;
(e) Shoot nature of a flower;
(f) Merits of phylogenetic system of classification.
4. Answer briefly any four of the following : 5x4
(a) Microbes in Nitrogen cycle;
(b) Growth forms of lichens with examples;
(c) Systematic position of Chara;
(d) Spore dispersal mechanism in Marsilea;
(e) Types of endosperm in Angiosperms;
(f) Flora of Indian Upper Gondwana.
5. Distinguish between any four of the following : 5x4
(a) Eubacteria and Archaebacteria;
(b) Carposporophyte and Tetrasporophyte in Polysiphonia; '
(c) Apothecium and Cleistothecium;
(d) Internal morphology of thallus in Marchantia and Anthoceros ;
(e) Cremocarp and Samara;
(f) Strobilar Organization of Equisetaceae and Calamitaceae.
Answer any two questions.
6. Define polynology. How can you distinguish between spores and pollen grains ? State how pollen morphology could be utilized in taxonomic studies, honey research and forensic investigations. 2+3+15
7. Mention the advantages of cross pollination over self pollination. State the contrivances of cross pollination in osperms with suitable examples. Give a brief account of pollination mechanisms found in Cycadophytes and Gnetophytes. 4+10+6
8. Mention the salient features, floral range and economic importance of any one of the families i.e., Acanthaceae, Verbenaceae, Rubiaceae. Why is the family Asteraceae considered as advanced among the dicotyledonous families? 6+4+4+6