Optional Paper
Time Allowed -3 Hours Full Marks -200
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answsers may be given either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer any three questions
1. How does oceanic crust from ? Attempt a classification of fluvial landforms in a deltic area. 12+28
2. Explain rain making in super-cooled clouds. How does inversion of temperature develop ? 28+12
3. Discuss the formation of coral atolls. How are the coral reefs expected to respond to rising sea level ? 32+8
4. Explain the formation of earthquakes. Discuss the mitigation measures related to this hazard. 20+20
5. Expalin the concept of band in remote sensing with examples. How is a standard FCC prepared ? Differentiate between raster and vector data structures and comment on their comparative merits and demerits. 12+8+20
Answer any two questions
6. Explain Weber's theory on industrial location with apropriate examples. What are the salient features of mixed farming ? 28+12
7. Discuss the factors that lead to migration. What are its major consequences ? 28+12
8. Explain the meaning of space in social geography. Make a critical evaluation of the concepts of Heartland and Rimland. 12+28
9. Discuss the factors of urban growth with special reference to the less developed countries. Explain the characteristics of rural urban fringe.
10. What factors need to be considered in delineating a planning region ? Analyse the relation between environment and development. 20+20