W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2003
(Optional Papers)
Geography Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
All questions carry equal marks
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Give a brief outline of the drainage systems of Asia highlighting the spatial variation of water availability problems.
2. Explain how China was able to achieve its present level of education and population growth after the Communist Revolution. Indicate the impact of these achievements of Economic Liberalization.
3. Highlight how the concentration of petroleum reserves in the world is affecting global geopolitics and indicate the role of U.S.A. and Great Britain in the controversy.
4. Explain how the Green Revolution in Punjab in India unleashed environmental problems and contradicted the riparian principles of water use.
5. Analyze the pattern and trend of regional disparity in India, highlighting the policies regarding regional imbalance in the Indian Five Year plans.
Answer any two questions.
6. Explain how die re-unification of Germany has affected die population-resource balance and regional disparity in the country.
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