W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2008
(Optional Papers)
Geography Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Define and classify weathering. Distinguish between weathering and mass wasting. What are the causes of landslides in the Eastern Himalayas ? 6+8+6
2. What is faulting ? Discuss with examples the evolution of land forms in a region of faulted structure with diagrams. 5+15
3. What are the factors of soil formation ? Describe the profile of podzol soil with diagrams. 10+10
4. What is eco-system ? Mentioning their components explain an ‘Energy flow model’ in the eco-system. 5+15
5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Mid Oceanic. Ridges and Transform Faults.
(b) Jet Streams and their influence on monsoon circulation in Indian Sub-Continent.
(c) Impact of deforestation on environment. 10+10
Answer any two questions.
6. Critically analyze the development and position of Iron and Steel Industries in India during the Post Independence Period. 20
7. Give an estimate of the distribution of petroleum in the Middle East Region and discuss its importance in geopolitical affairs of the world. 10+10
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