Madhyamik - 2013 Geography [Eng Ver]

Submitted by administrator on Sun, 04/28/2013 - 22:52

                                                                    [ ENGLISH VERSION ]

                                                                     (Bifurcated Syllabus)

                                                      [According to syllabus of Class X only]

[Groups 'A' to 'F' are common for both Regular and External Candidates and Group 'G' is meant only for External Candidates] (Question numbers 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. Sightless candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive. Others will attempt map pointing.)


1. (a) Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of India. Attach the map with your answer paper:—   1x5=5

1. (a.i) Vindhyanrange

1. (a.ii)  An inland river of India

1. (a.iii)  Coast with winter rain

1. (a.iv)  One coffee producing region

1. (a.v)  One automobile industrial centre.

1. (b) Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the given outline map of Asia. Attach the map with your answer paper :-   1x5=5

1.  (b.i)  Pamir knot

1. (b.ii)  Lake Baikal1.

1. (b.iii) Yang-Tse-Kiang river

1. (b.iv)  Taiga forest

1. (b.v)  Equatorial climatic region.

                                                         [ For Sightless Candidates only ]

1.  Answer any five of the following :—   2x5=10

(a) Name two parts of the eastern coast of India.

(b) Name one east flowing and one west flowing river of India.

(c) Name two states of India which receive snowfall in winter.

(d) Which industrial centre is known as 'Manchester of India'  ?  For which industry is this famous ?

(e) Name two mountains each extending towards east and west from Pamir knot.

(f)  Which two rivers join to flow as Sat-e!-Arab ?

(g) Name any two countries of Asia experiencing mediterranean climate.

(h) Mention the name of one plant species each from Tundra and Hot desert region of Asia.


2. (a) Identify the correct answer:—    1 x5=5

2. (a.i) Extensive flood plain is found in the basin of river Narmada / Tapti / Ganga.

2. (a.ii) Oxidation / Granular disintegration / Frost shattering is prevalent in hot desert region.

2. (a.iii) Alluvial cone is found at mountain top /foot hill / delta region.

2. (a.iv) Atmospheric ozone gas is concentrated in a layer of Stratosphere / Mesosphere / Ionosphere.

2. (a.v) The interval between two primary tides is 6 hours 13 minutes /12 hours 26 minutes / 24 hours 52 minutes.

2. (b)  If the statement is true, write 'T and if false, write 'F' against the following:—    1 x 5=5

2.  (b.i) Foggy weather is common along cold wall.

2. (b.ii)   'Loo' is a cold wet wind.

2. (b.iii)  Saline soil is most suitable for cotton cultivation.

2. (b.iv)  One of the salient features of the river in upper course is pot hole.

2. (b.v)  Barren island is an example of dead volcano.

3. Write short notes on any five of the following:— 2x5=10

(a) Carbonation

(b) Sand bank

(c) Isobar

(d) Ferrers law

(e) Monsoon current

(f) Lateritic soil

(g) Fibre crops

(h) TiSCO.


                                                           (Answer any two questions)

                                        [ Sketches are not essential for Sightless Candidates ]

4. (a) Discuss the formation of fold mountain on the basis of Plate Tectonic Theory.

    (b) Describe in brief the formation of intermontane plateau with example.

    (c) Mention any two differences between Mechanical and Chemical weathering.    5+3+2= 10

5. (a)  Describe any three landforms carved out by wind erosion with the help of diagrams.

    (b) Discuss briefly three factors necessary for delta formation.

    (c) What is basket of egg topography  ? 5+3+2= 10

6.  (a) Classify periodic wind and discuss any one of them with diagram.

    (b) Define absolute humidity and relative humidity.

    (c) What do you understand by horse latitude ?    5+3+2=10

7.  (a) Describe the currents of the North Pacific Ocean.

     (b) Explain the occurrence of primary and secondary tides.

     (c) What is Sargasso Sea ?      5+3+2=10


                                                        (Answer any two questions)

8. (a) Give an account of course of the river Ganga and justify it as an ideal river.

    (b) In which state of India Rann of Kutch is located and how is the landform there ?

    (c) Name one mountain pass of Himalaya and one such of Western Ghat.    5+3+2=10

9. (a) Explain the influence of monsoon on the climate of India.

    (b) Mention three characteristics of tropical evergreen forest in India.

    (c)  Identify any two differences between Bhangar and Khadar soil.    5+3+2=10

10.  (a) Discuss the physical factors favourable for growth of tea plantation in India.

       (b) Briefly explain any three importance of irrigation in India.

       (c) Why wheat is cultivated during winter in India ?    5+3+2=10

11.  (a) State the reasons of decline of Jute industry in India.

       (b) Explain in brief three reasons for growth of Iron and Steel industry at Durgapur.

       (c) Why do most of the petro-chemica! industrial centres grow in proximity to ports in India ?    5+3+2=10


                                                    (Answer any one question)

12. (a) Describe the course of east flowing rivers of Asia.

      (b) Describe in brief the relief of northern plain of Asia.

      (c)  Name two archipelago of Asia located in Pacific ocean.    5+3+2=10

13.  (a) Discuss the nature and character!siics of climatesin northernmost and southernmost parts of Asia.

       (b) Mention the characteristics of natural vegetation in Monsoon Asia.

       (c) Why does Central Asia experience extreme climate   ?    5+3+2=10


                                                   (Answer any one question)

14. (a) Give a brief account of the relief and drainage of northern plain in West Bengal.

      (b) Compare the climate of northern mountain with that of southern coastal region in West Bengal.

      (c) In which seasons western disturbance and tropical cyclone occur in West Bengal ?    5+3+2= 10

15. (a) Discuss the development of irrigation and its impacton agriculture in Nile Basin.

     (b) Mention the causes for growth of animal husbandry and dairy industry in Lake region.

     (c) What for city of Detroit and Gary of Lake region are famous  ?    5+3+2=10


                                                  [ Only for External Candidates ]

16.  Answer any five questions :—    2x5=10

     (a) What is rift valley ?

     (b) What is meant by moraines ?

     (c) Mention the direction of Polar winds.

     (d) Which two ocean currents join to form Agulhas current ?

     (e) Name the westernmost and easternmost peaks of the Himalayas.

     (f) Name two west flowing rivers of India.

     (g) What is inundation canal ?

     (h) Mention the names of two automobile manufacturing centres in India.



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