☼ Doctrine of Buddhism :-
Gautam Buddha has prescribed the realisation of four Noble Truths or Aryasatyas:
these are the essence of Buddhism—
1. Life is full of sorrow (Dukha) : Sabbam Dukkam.
2. The sorrow is caused by desire of earthly things (Dukha Samudaya); Dwadash Nidan / Pratitya Samutpada,
3. This sorrow can be stopped (Dukha Nirodha) i.e. Nirvana.
4. Cessation of desire can be achieved by following the Noble Eight-fold Path i.e. Ashtangika Marga.
• Ashtangika Marga (Eight fold path) are : (i) Proper vision, (ii) right aim, (iii) right speech, (iv) proper action, (v) proper livelihood, (vi) right efforts, (vii) correct awareness and (viii) right meditation.
Note :
(1) Pratitya samutapada is also known as Hetuvada (theory of cause-effect) and Kshanabhanga Vada (theory ofmomentariness / impermanence).
(2) Desire is the root cause of sorrow.
(3) The ultimate aim of life is to attain nirvana, the eternal state of peace and bliss, which means liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
(4) Madhya Marga /Madhyama Pratipada (the middle path)— Man should avoid both extremes, i.e. (i) a life of comforts and luxury, and (ii) a life of severe asceticism.
☼ Triratna i.e. Three Jwels of Buddhism are—
1. Buddha (the enlightened)
2. Dharma (doctrine)
3. Sangha (commune)