☼ Buddhist Council.
(1) 1st Buddhist Council:-
• It was called by Ajatashatru (Harayanka Dynasty) in 483 BC at Saptaparni Cave, Rajgriha.
• Mahakassapa was the chairman of the 1st Buddhist Council.
•Compilation of Sutta Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka by Ananda and Upali respectively were done in this Council.
(2) 2nd Buddhist Council:-
• It was called by Kalashoka (Shisunaga Dynasty) in 383 BC at Chullavanga, Vaishali.
• Sabbakami was the chairman of the 2nd Buddhist Council.
• (i) The monks of Vaishali wanted some change in rites in this Council. (ii) Schism into Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas was seen in this Council.
(3) 3rd Buddhist Council:-
• It was called by Ashoka (Maurya dynasty) in 250 BC at Ashokarama Vihar, Patliputra
• Mogaliputts Tissa was the chairman of the 3rd Buddhist Council.
• (i) Compilation of Abhidhamma Pitaka was done and (ii) Decision to send missionaries to various parts of the world was taken in this council.
(4) 4th Buddhist Council:-
• It was called by Kanishka (Kushana Dynasty) in 98 AD at Kundala Vana, Kashmir.
• Vasumitra was the Chairman and Ashvaghosa was the Vice chairman of the 4th Buddhist Council.
• (i) Compilation of Mahavibha shashastra (Sanskrti comment on Tripitaka) was done (ii) the division of Buddhists into Hinayanists and Mahayanists arised in this council.
☼ Royal Patrons :
• Bimbisara and Ajatashatru (Magadhan ruler), Prasenjit (Kosala ruler), Udayan (Vatsa ruler), Prdyota (Avanti ruler), Ashoka and Dasharatha (Mauryan ruler), Milinda / Menander (Indo-greek ruler), Kanishka (Kushana ruler), Harshavardhana (Vardhana ruler); Gopala, Dharmapala and Rampala (Pala ruler) were the royal patrons of Budhism.
(i) Ashoka, the greatest patron of Buddhism, called 3rd Buddhist council and sent mission comprises of his son Mahendra and his daughter sanghamitra to SriLanka.
(ii) Kanishka called 4th Buddhist council and sent mission to China, Korea and Japan.
(iii) Palas of Bengal and Bihar were last great patrons of Buddhism.
☼ Buddhist Literature
(I) Pali Texts:-
• Tripitaka : Pitaka literally means 'basket' and it was called so, because the original texts were written on palm-leaves and kept in baskets.
(a) Sutta Pitaka is compised of Buddha's sayings,
(b) Vinay Pitaka is compised of monastic code,
(c) Abhidhamma pitaka is compised of religious discourses of Buddha (Abhidhamma Pitaka comprises of Dighgha Nikaya, Majhim Nikaya,Sanyukta Nikaya, Anguttar Nikaya and Khuddak / Kshudraka Nikaya).
• Milindapanho (i.e. Questions of Milinda) is compised of the dialogue between Milinda (identical with Indo-Greek ruler Menander) and Buddhist saint Nagasena.
• Dipavamsha and Mahavamsha were the great chronicles of Sri Lanka.
(II) Sanskrit Texts:-
• Buddha Charita, Saundarananda, Sutralankar, Sariputra Prakaran and Vajra Suchi were written by Ashwagosha;
• Mahavibhasha Shastra was written by Vasumitra;
• Visudhamagga, Atthakathayen and Sumangalvasini were written by Buddhagosha;
• Madhyamika Karika and Prajnaparimita Karika were written by Nagarjuna etc.