☼ Doctrines of Jainism :
Triratna i.e. Three Gems of Jainism.
The aim of existence is to attain through the triratna of
1. Samyak Shradha /Viswas (Right faith) : It is the belief in Thirathankaras.
2. Samyak jnan (Right knowledge) : It is the knowledge of the Jain creed.
3. Samyak Karma / Acharana (Right action / conduct) : It is the practice of the 5 vows of Jainism.
• Pancha Mahavaratas i.e. Five Vows of Jainism.
• Five vows of Jainism are :-
1. Ahimsa (non-injury) : To promote ahimsa or non-injury to living things.
2. Satya (non-lying) : To be truthful.
3. Asteya (non-stealing) : Not to steal .
4. Aparigraha (non-possession) : Not to possess property.
5. Brahmacharya (chastity).
• The first four vows were laid down by Parshwanath and are known as Chaturyan . The fifth one was added by Mahavira.
☼ Instruments of Knowledge:-
There are 5 instruments of knowledge:
1. Mati jnana— Perception through activity of sense organs, including the mind.
2. Shruta jnana— Knowledge revealed by scriptures.
3. Avadhi jnana— Clairvoyant perception.
4. Manahparyaya jnana— Telepathic knowledge
5. Keval jnana— Temporal knowledge or Omniscience.
☼ Syadvada i.e. The Theory of May Be / Perhaps : All our judgements are necessarily relative, conditional and limited. According to Syadvada seven modes of prediction (Saptabhangi) are possible. Absolute affirmation and absolute negation both are wrong. All judgements are conditional. Syadvada is also known as Anekantvada i.e. the theory of plurality or multi-sidedness.
☼ The Principles of Jainism as preached by Mahavira :
1. Rejected the authority of the Vedas and vedic rituals.
2. Did not believe in the existence of God.
3. Believed in Karma and the transmigration of soul
4. Laid great emphasis on equality.
☼ Jain Council:-
• 1st Jain Council:
• It was called by Chandragupta Maurya at Patliputra, Bihar in 300 BC.
• Sthulabhadra was the Chairman of the 1st Jain Council.
• 12 Angas were Compiled in the 1st Jain Council..
2nd Jain Council:
• 2nd Jain Council was called at Vallabhi in 512 AD .
• Devardhi Kshmasramana was the Chairman of the 2nd Jain Council.
• 12 Angas and 12 Upangas were compiled finally in the 2nd Jain Council .
☼ Jain Literature:
• The sacred literature of the Shvetambaras is written in a form of Prakrit called Ardhamagadhi, and may be classified as follows :
(i) 12 Angas (ii) 12 Upangas (iii) 10 Parikarnas (iv) 6 Chhedasutras (v) 4 Mulasutras (vi) 2 Sutra-Granthas.
• 14 Purvas/Parvas : the oldest text of Mahavira's preachings.
• Besides this, the important jain texts are:
(i) Kalpasutra was written by Bhadrabahu in Sanskrit.
(ii) Bhadrabahu Charita
(iii) Parishishta Parvan : (an appendix of Trishashthi shalaka Purush) waswritten by Hemchandra.