☼ Archaeological Finds of The Indus Valley Civilization.
◘ Harappa— 6 Granaries in row, Working floors, Workmens'quarters, Virgin-Goddess (seal), Cemetery (R-37, H), Stone symbols of Lingam (male sex organ) and Yoni (female sex organ), Painted pottery, Clay figures of Mother Goddess, Wheat and Barley in wooden mortar, Copper scale. Crucible for bronze, Copper-made mirror, Vanity box, Dice.
◘ Mohenjodaro— Great Bath, Great Granary (the largest building of civilization), Assembly hall, Shell strips, Pashupati Mahadeva/Proto-Shiva (seal), Bronze Image of a nude woman dancer. Steatite image of bearded man, Human skeltons huddled together, Painted seal (Demi-God), Clay figures of Mother Goddess, A fragment of woven cotton. Brick Kilns, 2 Mesopotamian seals, 1398 seals (57% of total seals of civilization), Dice.
◘ Chanhudaro— City without a citadel, Inkpot, Lipstick; Metal-workers', shell-ornament makers' and bead-makers' shops; Imprint of dog's paw on a brick, Terracotta model of a bullock cart, Bronze toy cart.
◘ Lothal— Dockyard, Rice husk; Metal-workers', shell-ornament makers'and bead-makers' shopes; Fire altars, Terracotta figurine of a horse, Double burial (burying -a male and a female in a single grave), Terracotta model of a ship, Dying vat, Persian / Iranian seal, Baharainean seal. Painted jar (bird and fox).
◘ Kalibanga— Ploughed field surface (Pre-Harappan), 7 Fire altars, Decorated bricks, Wheels of a toy cart, Mesopotamian cylindrical seal.
◘ Banawali— Lack of chess-board or gridiron partem town planning. Lackof systematic drainage system, Toy plough, Clay figures of Mother Goddess.
◘ Dholavira— A unique water harnessing system and its storm water drainage system, a large well and a bath (giant water reservoirs), Only site to be divided into 3 parts. Largest Harappan inscription used for civic purposes, A stadium.
◘ Surkotada— Bones of horse, Oval grave, Pot burials.
◘ Daimabad— Bronze images (Charioteer with chariot, ox, elephant and rhinoceros)