Madhyamik Examination (WBBSE) - 2017 Life Science (Eng ver)

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Thu, 01/31/2019 - 22:47

Madhyamik Examination (WBBSE) - 2017 Life Science (Eng ver)


1.  Write the answer in complete sentence by choosing the correct answer for each question with  respective serial number:       1x15=15

1.1  Some flowers open after sunrise and close after sunset, this is—

(a) Photonasty       (b) Seismonasty       (c) Chemonasty       (d) Thermonasty

1.2  A person affected with Diabetes Mellitus is unable to secrete which of the following hormone in adequate quantity ?

(a) Adrenaline        (b) Insulin        (c) Thyroxine        (d) Testosterone

1.3  The part of human brain associated with controlling body temperature is—

(a) Thalamus       (b) Cerebellum        (c) Hypothalamus       (d) Medulla Oblongata

1.4  You have observed the separation of two sister chromatids at one stage of mitotic cell division. The stage is—

(a) Prophase        (b) Telophase        (c) Anaphase        (d) Metaphase

1.5  Which of the following pair is correct ?

(a) Budding — Yeast      (b) Fragmentation — Earthworm       (c) Spore formation — Amoeba      (d) Regeneration — Dryopteris

1.6  Which phase of human development is associated with the maturity of reproductive organ and reproductive gland ?

(a) Childhood        (b) Adolescence       (c) Late Adulthood        (d) Infancy

1.7  Which of the following traits in pea plant is recessive ?

(a) Wrinkled seed      (b) Yellow coloured seed       (c) Purple coloured flower       (d) Axial flower

1.8  How many types of gametes are formed from pea plant having genotype YyRr ?

(a) 1       (b) 4       (c) 2      (d) 3

1.9  The probability of haemophilic girl children born to a haemophilia carrier mother and normal father is—

(a) 75%       (b) 50%       (c) 100%       (d) 0%

1.10  The gas which was absent in the environment during the origin of life, is—

(a) Hydrogen        (b) Oxygen        (c) Methane        (d) Ammonia

1.11  The feature of analogous organ is—

(a) Different in origin and functions are also different

(b) Different in origin but functions are same

(c) Indicates divergent evolution

(d) Identical in origin and structure

1.12  Which of the following absorbs the gas of swim bladder in bony fishes ?

(a) Red gland       (b) Anterior chamber       (c) Gastric gland       (d) Retia mirabilia

1.13  Which of the following phase of nitrogen cycle Pseudomonas is associated with ?

(a) Nitrogen fixation        (b) Nitrification        (c) Denitrification        (d) Ammonification

1.14  One endangered species of the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot is—

(a) Lion tailed macaque       (b) Orangutan       (c) Red Panda       (d) Nilgiri tahr

1.15  The diseases associated with air pollution are

(a) Diarrhoea, Typhoid, Hepatitis

(b) Hepatitis, Bronchitis, Deafness

(c) Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Cancer

(d) Lung Cancer, Polio, Malaria


2.  Answer 21 questions out of 26 questions given below as instructed :    1x21=21

Fill in the blanks with proper words in the following sentences (any five):  1x5=5

2.1  The process of necessary adjustment of focal length of the lens in human eye is called —— .

2.2 Adenine is a —— type of nitrogenous base.

2.3  —— is a disease, created by sex-linked gene.

2.4  The earliest ancestor in the evolution of horse is ——.

2.5  An inflammable greenhouse gas produced from paddy field is —— .

2.6 —— is a biosphere reserve located in West Bengal.

Decide whether the following statements are 'True' of 'False': (any five):    1x5=5

2.7  Gibberellin hormone prevents immature shedding of leaf of plants.

2.8  Ovum is only produced as a result of mitosis.

2.9  Self-pollination or cross-pollination can be exercised in flowers of pea plant according to the need.

2.10  The fundamental tenet of the evolutionary theory of Darwin is the process of natural selection.

2.11  Degradable pollutant is responsible for biomagnification.

2.12  Flagella is the locomotory organ of Paramoecium.

Match the words in Column-'A' with those which are most appropriate in Column-'B' and rewrite the correct pair mentioning the serial No. of both the columns (any five):     1X5=5

Column-A Column-B
2.13 Blind Spot (a) Pollution of ground water
2.14 Cytokinesis (b) The point of connection of retina and optic nerve
2.15 44A + XY (c) Homologous organ
2.16 Wings of Bat and Bird (d) Formation of cell plate
2.17 Arsenic (e) Pollen grain
2.18 Transfer to Stigma (f) Sound pollution
    (g) Chromosomal arrangement of human male

Answer in a single word or in a single sentence (any six):   1x6=6

2.19  Choose the odd and write it. TSH, ACTH, GTH, CSF.

2.20  Write one function of myelin sheath.

2.21  A pair of related terms is given below. On the basis of the relationship in the first pair write the suitable word in the gap of second pair :

Prophase : Disappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleolus :: —— : Reappearance of nuclear membrane and nucleous.

2.22  Give an example of a variation inherited in man along the generation.

2.23  Which type of chromosome in human carries gene responsible for the disease thalassemia ?

2.24  Mention one morphological adaptation of cactus to prevent transpiration.

2.25  Among the following four terms one includes the other three. Find out that term and write it: Embryo, Meristematic tissue, Seed, Cryopreservation.

2.26  Write the name of the cause of the latest concern regarding the environment of Sunderbans.


3. Answer any 12 questions in 2-3 sentences out of 17 questions given below :    2x12=24

3.1  Write two differences between tropic movement and nastic movement.

3.2  Write two roles of GTH in the secretion of hormone from the reproductive gland in human body.

3.3  Categorize the following actions as natural or Inherited reflex action: Willingness of infants for breast-feeding; Cycling; Sneezing; Catching ball by wicket-keeper with swiftness.

3.4  Write the parts of central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

3.5  Write two Importance of cell cycle.

3.6  Distinguish between DNA and RNA based on the following features: Pyrimidine base; 5-C sugar.

3.7  Which agents perform the function of pollination in the following plants: Paddy; Hydrilla; Shimul; Mango.

3.8  State with example how dominant trait is expressed in the experiment of hybridization.

3.9  What would be the ratio of phenotype and genotype of F2 generation in monohybrid experiment in case of incomplete dominance ?

3.10  Show with the help of a cross, how colour blindness is inherited.

3.11  Write the name of reactants used and one organic compound formed in the experiment of Miller and Urey in connection with chemical origin of life. 

3.12  Write four important features modified in the evolution of horse.

3.13  How Sundari plant excretes the excess salt of its body ?

3.14  Write names of two micro-organisms participating in the process of biological nitrogen fixation.

3.15  Mention two damages as a result of acid rain.

3.16  Give four examples of damages of biodiversity as a result of global warming.

3.17  Write the major topics regarding biodiversity documented in People's Biodiversity Register (PBR).


4. Answer 6 questions or their alternatives given below. Sightless candidates have to answer Questions No. 4.1(a) instead of 4.1:     5x6=30

4.1  Draw a neat diagram of the vertical section of the eyeball of human eye and lable the following parts:

(a) Cornea;     (b) Lens;     (c) Vitreous humor;      (d) Retina.   (3+2)

Or, Draw a neat diagram of metaphase of mitosis of a plant cell or an animal cell division and label the following parts:

(a) Chromosome    (b) Spindle fibre;     (c) Polar region;     (d) Centromere.  (3+2)

4.2  Explain the inter-relationships among chromosome, DNA and gene. Distinguish between euchromatin and heterochromatin on the following two aspects: Coiling; Activity.  (3+2)

Or, How micropropagation is done ? State what happens in the following three phases of sexual reproduction of flowering plants: Production of gamete or reproductive cell; Fertilization; Formation of embryo and new plant. (2+3)

4.3  With the help of a checker board show the types of offsprings that might be produced in a cross between a hybrid black guineapig and a pure white guineapig. State the law of segregation as proposed by Mendel. (3+2)

Or, Mention the symptoms of thalassemia disease. In many families mothers are labelled as responsible for the birth of daughter child. Demonstrate with the help of a cross, that this belief is not justified. (2+3)

4.4  Mention two features of internal structures on the basis of which, 'flipper of whales' and 'wings of birds' are considered as homologous organ. How a worker bee of a beehive communicates with other worker bees regarding source and location of food ? (2+3)

Or, Show the major evolutionary events with the help of a flow chart.

4.5  What are the causes of asthma ? What are the roles of Joint Forest Management in the conservation of biodiversity ?   (2+3)

Or, Assess the causes of depletion of biodiversity with proper examples.

4.6  Propose two conservation measures that could be taken to increase the number of Indian one horned rhino. Make your opinion based on your experiences how the sources of fresh water become polluted.  (2+3)

Or, Which conditions do you consider to declare one area out of two as biodiversity hotspot ?  Give two examples of ex situ conservation.  (3+2)



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Madhyamik Examination (WBBSE) - 2017 Life Science (Bengali version)

বিভাগ—ক (সমস্ত প্রশ্নের উত্তর করা আবশ্যিক) ১. প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের সঠিক উত্তরটি নির্বাচন করে তার ক্রমিক সংখ্যা-সহ বাক্যটি সম্পূর্ণ করে লেখ : ১x১৫ =১৫ ১.১ কিছু ফুল সূর্যোদয়ের পরে ফোটে, কিন্তু সূর্যাস্তের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে বুজে যায় । এটি হল— (ক) ফটোন্যাস্টি (খ) সিসমোন্যাস্টি (গ) কেমোন্যাস্টি (ঘ) থার্মোন্যাস্টি ১.২ ডায়াবেটিস মেলিটাস -এ আক্রান্ত একজন ব্যক্তি নীচের কোন হরমোনটি যথেষ্ট মাত্রায় ক্ষরণ করতে অক্ষম ? (ক) অ্যাড্রেনালিন (খ) ইনসুলিন (গ) থাইরক্সিন (ঘ) টেস্টোস্টেরন