WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on Sociology [Paper I] - 2014

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Wed, 07/15/2015 - 15:40


Optional Paper


Time Allowed-3 Hours                                     Full Marks-200

If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.

Answere may be written either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.

All questions carry equal marks.


Answer any three questions

1  Analyse how weber differed from Marx in explaining social change.

2.  Examine, after simmel, the nature and role of culture in modern life.

3.  What is post-industrial society ?  What are its major features ?

4.  What is pluralism ?  Examine the process of secularization in modern society.

5.  Examine, in the context of globalization, the realation between technology and social change.



Answer any two questions

6.  What is sociological imagination ?  How would you distinguish between sociology and common sense ?

7.  What is the importance of social research ?  What steps one should follow to conduct social research  ?

8.  How is development related to dependency ?  Explain. 



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