W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2003
(Optional Papers)
Botany Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Write brief notes no any four of the following
(a) What is peptidoglycan ?
(b) Characteristic freatures of Rhodophyceae.
(c) What is auxo-autotrohic ?
(d) What is alienating host and collateral host ?
(e) What is apospory and apogamy ?
(f) Important featues of calamites.
2. Coment on the following - ( any four)
(a) What is water bloom ? What is its effect
(b) Sphacelia or, honey dew stage ?
(c) Transfusion tissue.
(d) Salient features of Archeopteris
(e) Economic uses of Deuteromycetes.
(f) Metabolic analog.
3. (i) What are the differences of chemical constituents of cell wall of gram positive and grain negative bacteria. 5
(ii) Give a brief account of Uirnsmission virus. 5
(iii) Give and account of the symptoms & control mesues of the disease "black stem rust of Wheat". 5
4. (i) Elucidate the variations of endodermis in Equisetum. What are the hydrophytic & xerophytic characters of Equisetum 4+5.
(ii) Compare the trobili of lycopodium & Equisetu with neat labelled sketches. 6+4
5. Distinguish between any four of the following :-
(a) Hadrocentric and Leptocentnc ascular bundle.
(b) Apospory and apogamy.
(c) Stachys-permae and phyilosperae.
(d) Anacrogynous and acrogynous Jungermanniales.
(e) Involucre and calyptra. 5 x 4
Answer any two questions.
6. Distinguish between the following pairs (any four)
(a) Valve and solid carpel,
(b) Capitulum mid cyathium in florescence,
(c) Parlhogenesis and apomixis.
(d) Bacca and amphisarea.
(e) Cleistogamy and herkogamy. 5 x 4
7. (a) Why Comosttae is considered to be highest evolved family in dicotyledones. 8
(b) Differentiate the characters of palmae and Musaceae. 6
(c) What is synonyms, tauony & double citation ? 6
8. (a) Mention the families with ditinctive character where you get the following fruits-
(i) pepo (ii) Shezoarpic (iii) caryopsis. 6
(b) What are the enonomic importance (at least two) of the following families-
(i) Urnblliferae (ii) Acanthaceae (iii) Fabaceae. 6
(c) Write the types of following fruits & its edible parts of the following-
(i) Cusuatd apple (ii) Wood apple (iii) Rice (iv) Brinjal. 8