W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2010
(Optional Papers)
Botany Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be written either in English or in Bengali but all answers must be in one and the same language.
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. Answer any two of the following :
(i) What is "Gaidukov phenomenon" ? Describe the ultrastructure of the cell of the algae possessing this property. 3+7
(ii) Describe the different types of stomata in angiosperms on the basis of arrangement of epidermal cells surrounding the guard cells with illustrations and examples. 10
(iii) Define the terms 'primary inoculum' and 'secondary inoculum'. Describe the disease cycle of stem rot of jute with feference to the inoculum produced. 4+6
2. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(i) Soral structure of Dryopteri.s.
(ii) Structure of globule of Chara.
(iii) Mature sporophyte of Anthoceros.
(iv) Female cone of Pinus.
(v) Different fossil types,
(vi) One step growth curve of bacteriophage. 5x4
3. Answer briefly any four of the following :
(i) Auxospore formation in Centrales.
(ii) Plant Quarantine.
(iii) Ecological importance of Lichen,
(iv) Stem anatomy of Lepidodendron.
(v) Spore dispersal in Funaria.
(vi) Angiospermic characters of Gnetales.
4. Comment any four of the following : 5x4
(i) Flagellar structure of bacteria,
(ii) Nutritional value of mushroom
(iii) Dwarf male filament of Oedogonicem.
(iv) Plant disease clinic.
(v) Morphological nature of synangium of Psilotum.
(vi) Melissopalynology.
5. Distinguish between any four of the following : 5x4
(i) Cyanophyta and Rhodophyta.
(ii) Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrhiza.
(iii) Cellwall of gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,
(iv) Thallophyta and Bryophyta.
(v) Phytocelexins and Phytoanticipins.
(vi) Racemose inflorescence and Cymose inflorescence. 5x4
Answer any two questions.
6. Discuss the following (any four) :
(i) Floras and Monographs,
(ii) Role of Botanical garden;
(iii) Principles of ICBN.
(iv) Effective and Valid publication,
(v) Artificial and Natural classification. 5x4
7. (a) Compare the characteristic features of families Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae and Musaceae.
(b) Write the binomials of
(i) One fruit yielding the a ornamental plant under Musaceae.
(ii) Two spice yielding plants under Zingiberaceae.
(iii) Arrowroot producing plant under Cannaceae. 15+5
8. Define the terms- 'Holomorph', 'Teleomorph', 'Anamorph' and 'Parasexual cycle'. How is evolution of new species possible in anamorphic fungi through parasexual cycle. 8+12