W.B Civil Service Examination (Main)- 2002
(Optional Papers)
Botany Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
Answer any three questions
1. (a) What is Necrosis ? Give the scientific name of the organism which is responsible for the disease "Late blight of Potato". What are the symptoms observed ? State the methods of control 1+1+5+5=12
(b) What is Mycotoxin ? Mention the sources and harmful effects of two mycotoxins. 2+2+2 = 6
(c) What do you mean by mycoses ? Give an example. 1+1=2
2. (a) What do you understand by Host-defense ? Discuss, the biochemical lines of defense in plants against the pathogens. What is disease mangement ? 2+8+4=14
(b) Mention the sources and uses of Amylase citric acid and alcohol. 2+2+2=6
3. (a) Distinguish between the following pairs (any four) :
i) Endemic and Epiphytotic disease
ii) Quarantine and Sanitation
iii) Satellite and Slow Virus
iv) Capsid and Capsomere
v) Non-persistent and Persistent Virus
vi) Gram + ve and Gram - ve bacteria. 4x4=16
(b) What is Mycorrhiza ? Name the types.of mycorrhiza. Mention two important functions of mycorrhiza. 1+1+2=4
4. (a) Give an account of the thallus structure in the algae members you have studied. 14
(b) Comment on the following structures (any two) :
i) Dwarf male of Oedogonium
ii) Cystocarp of Polysiphonia
iii) Pigments and reserve food meterials of Pheophyceae
iv) Two industrial uses of Lichen. 3x2 = 6
5. (a) Give an account of the sporophytes of Bryophytes you have studied, and point out the line of advancement. 12
(b) What is heterospory ? Name one heterosporous pteridophyte. Point out the differences between haplo and actino stele, Ectophloic and amphiphloic-Siphonostele of Pteridophytes. 1+1+3+3=8
Answer any two questions.
6. (a) State briefly why Gnetum is considered as most advanced among Gymnosperms. 8
(b) What is gametogenesis ? Write in short the development of female gametophyte in angiosperm. 1+8 = 9
(c) Write short notes on (any one):
i) Coralloid root,
ii) Polyembryony. 3x1=3
7. (a) Give the characteristic features of the following (any two) :
i) Principles of a phyllogenetic system of classification,
ii) Contorted, Quincuncial and Vexillary type of aestivation,
iii) Caducons and accroscent Calyn. 3x2=6
(b) Point out the distinguishing characters of (any two):
i) Flower of Pea,
ii) Fruit of Ficus,
iii) Seed of Castor,
iv) Inflorescence of Sunflower. 3x2=6
(c) State the contrivances for cross-pollination. 8
8. (a) Distinguish between the following families (any two):
i) Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae,
ii) Solanaceae and Acanthaceae,
iii) Gramineae and Cyperaceae. 5x2=10
(b) Name the families to which the following plants belong. Mention their economic importance (any three): Coconut, Jute, Mango, Cotton. 3x3=9
(c) What do you mean by binomial nomenclature ? 1