W.B.C.S. Examination [Main] - 2014
Optional Paper
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-200
Answer Question no. 1 and any two from the rest
1. Answer any one question: 20 x 1
(a) Do you think that the problem of private inland trade was the primary cause of conflict between Mir. Qasim and the English East India Company ?
(b) How was the Parthana Samaj different from the Brahmo Samaj ?
(c) Write a note on the Swarajist Party. What was it's achievement ?
(d) Briefly discuss the India Independence Act. 1947.
2. How did the 'Young Bengal' movement influence the cultureal and social life in 19th Century Bengal ? 40
3. How was the question of Women's emancipation addressed by the social reformers of India in the 19th century ? 40
4. Was administrative necessity the main ground for the partition of Bengal in 1905 ? What was it's result ? 40
5. In what way did Gandhian leadership give a new dimension to the Intional Movement ? 40
Group - B
Answer Question no. 6 and any two from the rest
6. Answer any one question. 20 x 1
(a) Why did the Industrial Revolution begin first in Britain ?
(b) In what way did slavery became a Central issue in the American Civil War ?
(c) Discuss the causes of the rise of Fascism in Italy .
(d) What do you understand by the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' ?
7. Would you call the French Ravolution of 1789 a 'bourgeios revolution' ? 40
8. Analyse the factors which were responsible for the failure of the League of Nations. 40
9. What led to the collapse of the French colonial empire in lndo-China ? Examine the significanace of the 1954 settlement in this context. 40
10. Anslyse the causes which resulted in the distingration at the socialist after 1985. 40