Madhyamik - 2008 Geogaphy [Eng Ver]

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 23:36

MADHYAMIK EXAMINATION- 2008  GEOGRAPHY (New Syllabus)  [English Version]
Time---Three Hours   Full Marks----90
(For Regular Candidates)
  Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
(Question numbers 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory)

Group 'A'
1. (a) Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the outline map of India enclosed with the question paper and attach the map with your answer paper : 1 x 5 = 5
1.(a.i)  Siwalik range
1.(a.ii)  River Narmada
1.(a.iii) Konkan coast
1.(a.iv) One copper producing centre
1.(a.v) Vishakhapatnam.

(b) Locate the following with appropriate symbols and names on the outline map of Asia enclosed with the question paper and attach the map with your answer paper :  I x 5 = 5
1.(b.i) Siberian plain
1.(b.ii) River Yang-Tse-Kiang
1.(b.iii) The region receiving rainfall throughout the year
1.(b.iv) Gobi desert
1.(b.v)  Suez canal.

 সম্পূর্ণ প্রশ্নপত্রটি Download করতে হলে ক্লিক করুন:


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