MCQ on Geography Including Geography of India

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Mon, 10/28/2019 - 20:01

MCQ on Geography Including Geography of India

1. Which of the following gives the correct descending order by volume of the three basic layers of the Earth ?

(i) Core, mantle, crust

(ii) Crust, core, mantle

(iii) Core, crust, mantle

(A) (i)       (B) (ii)       (C) (iii)       (D) None of these

2. Soil profile refers to arrangement within a soil of

(A) its vertical layers       (B) its inclined layers       (C) its horizontal layers        (D) group of soil grains

3. Formation of potholes in river beds is an example of

(A) Hydration       (B) Erosion       (C) Corrosion        (D) Corrasion

4. Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere ?

(A) Stratosphere        (B) Mesosphere       (C) Ionosphere        (D) Troposphere

5. Which of the following countries are favourably influenced by the trade winds ?

(A) West Indies and Florida    

(B) Malagasy and Brazil

(C) East Coast of Mexico, and Guyana

(D) All of these

6. Which of the following statements is correct ?

Relative humidity

(A) varies with latitudes seasonally

(B) is maximum in subtropical anticyclones

(C) is lowest at the equator increasing towards the poles

(D) None of these

7. 17th Parallel separates

(A) North and South Korea

(B) South and North America

(C) North and South Yemen

(D) Afghanistan and Pakistan

8. The advantage of micro hydel projects is that they

(A) prevent flash floods

(B) save water

(C) involve less cost

(D) make use of water of the perennial hill streams and irrigation canals

9. What is the main advantage of transplantation method of sowing rice ?

(A) It helps in early harvesting

(B) The draining of water from the field before harvesting is made easy

(C) It is helpful in achieving an economical use of water and a higher yield of grain

(D) This method ensures maximum utilisation of land

10. The phenomenon called 'Equinox' is due to the

(A) rotation of the Earth on its own axis

(B) revolution of the Earth on its inclined axis

(C) oblate spheroid shape of the Earth

(D) gravitational pull of the planet

11. A circular area enclosing the area of shallow water separated from the sea by low banks, is called

(A) an atoll      (B) a barrier reef       (C) a fringing       (D) a lagoon

12. The river Volga pours its water into the

(A) Black Sea        (B) Caspian Sea        (C) Dead Sea        (D) Mediterranean Sea

13. As the height above sea level increases, the temperature

(A) also increases

(B) decreases 

(C) first decreases and then increases

(D) change of height has no effect on temperature

14. The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is located

(A) wholly in the Continent of Europe

(B) wholly in the Continent of Asia

(C) partly in Europe and partly in Asia

(D) partly in Africa and partly in Asia

15. Which of the two planets listed below are nearer to the Sun than the Earth ?

(A) Jupiter and Mercury     (B) Neptune and Venus     (C) Mars and Saturn       (D) Venus and Mercury

16. Neap tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the

(A) Moon only

(B) Sun only

(C) Moon and the Sun in the same direction

(D) Moon and the Sun in opposite directions

17. Great Circles are

(A) the circles representing latitudes north and south of the equator

(B) the equidistant lines drawn east and west of the Greenwich meridian

(C) imaginary circles whose plane passing through the centre of the Earth bisects it into two equal halves

(D) those parallels where the Sun is imagined to halt its movement and turn about northward or southward

18. How many minutes for each degree of longitude does the local time of any place vary from the Greenwich time ?

(A) Two minutes        (B) Four minutes        (C) Six minutes       (D) Eight minutes

19. Spring tides are caused as a result of the

(A) Moon pulling the Earth gravitationally

(B) Sun pulling the Earth gravitationally

(C) Moon and the Sun pulling the Earth gravitationally in opposite directions

(D) Moon and the Sun pulling the Earth in the same direction

20. The atmosphere has been divided into sub-spheres according to the general characteristics of temperature variations. Their number is

(A) 5        (B) 6       (C) 7       (D) 8

21. Which of the following factors govern(s) the atmospheric temperature of a certain place ?

(A) Its latitudinal distance from the equator

(B) Its elevation from the sea level

(C) Prevailing winds and influence of ocean currents, if any

(D) All of these

22. Which of the following pairing is incorrect ?

(A) Isohyets - Humidity       (B) Isobars — Pressure       (C) Isotherms - Temperature       (D) Isohels — Sunshine

23. In the context of their formation, which of the following types of rocks is the most ancient ?

(A) Igneous       (B) Metamorphic      (C) Plutonic       (D) Sedimentary

24. Which of the following factors cause(s) ocean currents ?

(A) Varying density of sea water       (B) Varying temperature       (C) Winds        (D) All of these

25. The local time at a place is 6 A.M. when the G.M.T. is 3 A.M. What is the longitude of that place ?

(A) 45 degrees E       (B) 45 degrees W       (C) 120 degrees E        (D) 120 degrees W

26. For determination of the age of which of the following is 'carbon-dating' method used ?

(A) Fossils      (B) Rocks      (C) Trees      (D) A and B above

27. The minor planets revolving between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars are called

(A) Asteroids       (B) Comets      (C) Meteors      (D) Novas

28. Doldrums are belts of low atmospheric pressure obtaining in the regions adjoining the equator to a distance of.

(A) 5  degree latitude towards the north only

(B) 5 degree latitude towards the south only

(C) 5 degree latitude towards the north and south

(D) 15 degree latitude towards the north and south

29. High Velds are the temperate grasslands of

(A) Africa       (B) South Australia      (C) Europe and Asia     (D) South America

30. Which of the following years was a leap year ?

(A) 1998      (B) 2006       (C) 2004       (D) 2002

31. A stretch of sea water, partly or fully separated by a narrow strip from the main sea, is called

(A) Bay      (B) Isthmus       (C) Lagoon       (D) Strait

32. Which of the following straits connects Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara ?

(A) Bering Strait      (B) Bosphorus Strait       (C) Malacca Strait      (D) Palk Strait

33. Grenada is situated in the

(A) Arctic Ocean        (B) Eastern Caribbean Sea       (C) Mediterranean Sea        (D) Pacific Ocean

34. All of the following are rivers of Europe, except

(A) Nile       (B) Rhine       (C) Volga       (D) Seine

35. Which of the following countries is not in the Continent of Asia ?

(A) Indonesia        (B) Japan       (C) Libya         (D) Malaysia

36. What is the difference in time between two places which are at a distance of 90 degree longitude from each other ?

(A) 3 hours       (B) 6 hours      (C) 9 hours     (D) 12 hours

37. Which of the following Canals connects the Baltic Sea and the North Sea ?

(A) Kiel Canal        (B) Suez Canal       (C) Panama Canal       (D) None of these

38. The temperate grasslands of Norm America are known as

(A) Pampas        (B) Prairies       (C) Steppes        (D) Tundra

39. Which of the following pairing is wrong ?

(A) Bonn - Rhine       (B) Cairo - Nile      (C) New York - Hudson       (D) Vienna - Thames

40. A nautical mile is equal to

(A) 1.625 km       (B) 1.725 km       (C) 1.825 km       (D) 1.925 km

41. Spring tide occurs

(A) on the new Moon day

(B) on the full Moon day

(C) both on the new Moon and full Moon days

(D) on the day when the Moon's position is in the first quarter

42. The International Date Line passes through

(A) exactly 0 degree meridian

(B) equator

(C) exactly through 180 degree longitude

(D) approximately 180 degree East or West

43. Which of the following cause ocean currents ?

(A) Monsoon winds       (B) Permanent winds      (C) Periodic winds     (D) Westerlies

44. The major natural regions of the world are delineated primarily on the basis of

(A) altitude      (B) ocean currents       (C) temperature, rainfall and cultivated vegetation       (D) temperature

45. Which of the following is a characteristic of sedimentary rocks ? They are

(A) brittle        (B) hard       (C) porous       (D) None of these

46. Which of the following is the largest sugar-producing country in the world ?

(A) Brazil       (B) Cuba       (C) India       (D) Indonesia

47. The term 'Eye' in a cyclone refers to

(A) its velocity

(B) central region of winds of high speed 

(C) circular region of relatively light winds

(D) None of these

48. Precipitation takes place when

(A) the sky is overcast with clouds

(B) temperature of moisture in air suddenly increases

(C) temperature of moisture in air sharply decreases

(D) winds begin to blow in a circular motion

49. The latitude of a point on the Earth's surface is the angular distance of that point measured at

(A) the centre of the Earth       (B) the north pole      (C) the south pole      (D) a specific point on the equator

50. Which of the following is the largest Gulf in the world ?

(A) Gulf of Aden        (B) Gulf of Guinea        (C) Persian Gulf       (D) Gulf of Mexico

51. Which of the following countries of South-West Asia leads in the production of oil ?

(A) Iran      (B) Kuwait       (C) Saudi Arabia       (D) U.A.E.

52. When does the summer solstice occur in the Southern Hemisphere of our globe ?

(A) 21st March      (B) 21st June       (C) 23rd September      (D) 22nd December

53. Which of the following types of climate has the characteristic of 'dry summers with great sunshine and rainy winters' ?

(A) Equatorial       (B)  Mediterranean      (C) Tropical       (D) Tundra

54. Podsols are

(A) Acidic soils      (B) Alkaline soils      (C) Alkaline soils with oxidising action       (D) Marshy lands

55. Which of the following pairing is wrong ?

(A) Berne - Sweden       (B) Copenhagen - Denmark       (C) Oslo — Norway      (D) Prague - Czech Republic

56. Which of the following is used as raw material for the manufacture of rayon ?

(A) Coal       (B) Cellulose      (C) Plastic      (D) Petroleum

57.  The population of which of the continents listed below is the lowest ?

(A) Africa       (B) Asia       (C) Europe      (D) North America


58. Which of the following rivers have almost the same point of beginning ?

(A) Brahmaputra and Ganga

(B) Tapti and Beas

(C) Brahmaputra and Indus

(D) Indus and Ganga

59. Which of the following groups of rivers in India is likely to show the least erosional activity ?

(A) Himalayan rivers

(B) The eastward flowing peninsular rivers

(C) The thin stream flowing into the Arabian sea

(D) Those rising in the great plain of India

60. The belt of highest temperature in the month of March lies in

(A) Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat

(B) Southern and Central parts of Deccan Plateau

(C) North India

(D) East India

61. The States involved in the Dandakaranya project are

(A) Uttar Pradesh,  Karnataka and Maharashtra

(B) Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka

(C) Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha

(D) Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

62. In which State is chromite abundantly found ?

(A) Maharashtra       (B) Madhya Pradesh       (C) Odisha       (D) Karnataka

63. In which of the following States important deposits of copper, lead and zinc ores are found ?

(A) Karnataka        (B) Madhya Pradesh      (C) Bihar      (D) Rajasthan

64. The Jhelum has its source from

(A) Mount Kailash      (B) Rohtang       (C) Verinag        (D) Kulu

65. Which of the following does not have an influence over the climate in India ?

(A) Monsoons      (B) Ocean currents      (C) Nearness to equator      (D) Presence of Indian Ocean

66. Wet, tropical deciduous forests are found in which region of India ?

(A) Central India      (B) Deccan Plateau       (C) The Siwaliks      (D) None of these

67.  Cudappah ranges lie between

(A) Godavari and Jamshedpur

(B) Palar and Kauveri

(C) Godavari and Palkonda range

(D) Satpura and Mohadeo-Maikal range

68. Which region in India is known as the 'Rice Bowl of India ?

(A) North-east region       (B) Kerala and Tamil Nadu       (C) Indo-Gangetic plain      (D) Krishna-Godavari Delta region

69. The beautiful valleys of Kashmir, Kulu and Kangra, lie in which of the following Himalayan ranges ?

(A) Himadri        (B) Himachal        (C) Purvachal         (D) Siwalik

70. Which of the following rivers remains in India throughout its journey from its source to the point of merger with another river ?

(A) Beas        (B) Chenab        (C) Jhelum        (D) Ravi

71. All of the following rivers flow into or join the Ganges on its left side, except

(A) Gomti        (B) Son       (C) Gandak        (D) Kosi

72. Which of the following statements is not correct ?

(A) The average height of the Western Ghats goes on decreasing towards the south

(B) A part of the Indus basin is shared by Punjab and Haryana

(C) The Indus and the Ganga Brahmaputra river systems together form the great plains of northern India

(D) The Himadri range lies south of the Himachal range

73. The major part of agricultural land in India is under

(A) cash crops       (B) food crops        (C) oil seeds        (D) plantation crops

74. Cochin and Visakhapatnam sea ports of India are situated on the

(A) East and West Coasts, respectively 

(B) East Coast 

(C) West Coast

(D) West and East Coasts, respectively

75. Which of the following ranges separates the Kashmir Valley from the Indus Valley ?

(A) Dhauladhar        (B) Great Himalayan range        (C) Pir Panjal range       (D) Siwalik range

76. All of the following caves are located in Maharashtra, except

(A) Ajanta Caves       (B) Amarnafh Caves       (C) Elephanta Caves      (D) Ellora Caves

77. To which of the following categories do the forests of the Western Ghats of India belong ?

(A) Equatorial forests      (B) Monsoon forests      (C) Sub-tropical evergreen forests     (D) Temperate coastal forests

78. Which of the following pairing is wrong ?

(A) Bihar - Thorium       (B) Kerala - Monazite        (C) Rajasthan - Copper       (D) Tamil Nadu - Bauxite

79. On India's north-eastern side are located the Purvachal mountains, which consist of

(A) Patkai Bum and the Naga Hills

(B) Mizo and Lushai Hills

(C) Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills

(D) All of -these

80. Which of the following Himalayan ranges is the lowest in height ?

(A) Himadri        (B) Siwalik       (C) Purvachal       (D) Himachal

81. The respective land masses of India and Sri Lanka are connected by which of the following Straits ?

(A) Bass Strait       (B) Bering Strait        (C) Malacca Strait       (D) Palk Strait

82.  Which of the following metals is mined from the Zawar mines of Rajasthan ?

(A) Bauxite       (B) Gold       (C) Iron       (D) Zinc

83. Which of the following seaports is on the eastern side of the Gulf of Kutchh ?

(A) Cambay       (B) Dwarka       (C) Kandla        (D) Okha

84. The confluence of the rivers Ganges and Yamuna is at

(A) Agra        (B) Prayagraj         (C) Patna        (D) Varanasi

85. The climate of India can be best described as

(A) Desert type       (B) Mediterranean type      (C) Sub-tropical monsoon type       (D) Tropical monsoon type

86. Which of the following is wrongly paired ?

(A) Bhakra-Nangal - Sutlej        (B) Salal Project - Beas       (C) Damodar — Ganges      (D) Hirakud - Krishna

87.  All the major rivers of the Deccan Plateau merge into the Bay of Bengal, except

(A) Godavari       (B) Narmada       (C) Mahanadi       (D) Krishna

88. Which of the following States accounts for the largest share of industrial growth and capital investment ?

(A) Maharashtra       (B) Tamil Nadu       (C) Uttar Pradesh        (D) West Bengal

89. In which State are the Gir forests located ?

A) Assam        (B) Gujarat        (C) Himachal Pradesh        (D) Maharashtra

90. Which of the following processes is related to the formation of Himalayas ?

(A) Faulting        (B) Folding        (C) Sliding       (D) Volcanic eruptions

91. For which of the following groups of crops has "Green Revolution" been most successful in India so far ?

(A) Cotton and Jute       (B) Mustard and Oilseeds       (C) Potato and Sugarcane      (D) Wheat and Rice

92. Ankleswar, one of the major sources of petroleum in India, is in the State of

(A) Assam        (B) Gujarat        (C) Maharashtra        (D) Odisha

93. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Manipur - Imphal        (B) Meghalaya - Shillong        (C) Mizoram — Itanagar       (D) Nagaland - Kohima

94. India receives the major part of its rain from

(A) North-east monsoon       (B) North-west monsoon       (C) South-east monsoon      (D) South-west monsoon

95. Which of the following States depends entirely for its requirement of tea on other tea-producing States ?

(A) Andhra Pradesh      (B) Karnataka       (C) Kerala      (D) Tamil Nadu

96. The estimated reserves of lignite in India is about 210 crore tonnes. Which of the following States accounts for nearly 190 crore tonnes of the reserves ?

(A) Gujarat       (B) Jammu and Kashmir       (C) Rajasthan       (D) Tamil Nadu

97. All of the following States have belts of Mica, except

(A) Andhra Pradesh       (B) Bihar       (C) Odisha       (D) Rajasthan

98. Which of the following river basins does not have coal-bearing sediments ?

(A) Damodar basin       (B) Gangetic basin       (C) Godavari basin      (D) Mahanadi basin

99. From north to south, the correct sequence of the following sea ports is

(A) Chennai,  Tuticorin,  Visakhapatnam, Paradip

(B) Paradip, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Tuticorin

(C) Visakhapatnam, Paradip, Chennai, Tuticorin

(D) Paradip, Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Tuticorin

100. For which of the cereals listed below is the area under cultivation nearly three-fourths of the total cropped area in India ?

(A) Barley, gram and wheat

(B) Paddy and wheat

(C) Paddy and bajra

(D) Wheat and bajra




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